I'd be excited to have any of those... I think this is a 'talk to the guy' situation to see what he's excited about having made.
I don't like tropical hardwoods for cutting boards. I may have even had a specific reason for this at one time
So, I'd pass on Padouk, Zebra, Sapele, Wenge, Ebony (Ebenholz).
Oak (Eiche), Ash (Esche), Walnut (Nussbaum), and Hainbuche (Euro Hornbeam) are harder woods.
So, this leaves:
Kirsch=Cherry (edge-friendly, softer, darkens nicely with age)
Platane=London Plane, or related (pretty wood, similar to maple and sycamore)
Kastanie=Chestnut (used in old French joinery, good wood for furniture; unsure about cutting boards)
Ahorn=Maple (the classic)
One thing to keep in mind is that these names can be vernacular/regional. A "Chestnut" in the US will not necessarily be the same tree as a "Chestnut" in Europe, "oak" differs, etc. etc.
So, especially if the trees are regional/European, then it'd help to talk to the guy and request something edge friendly.
Here's a good resource to check the hardness of a great many different woods: