Hobbyist knifemaker

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Iron Turtle

New Member
Jul 26, 2018
Reaction score
West Central Indiana
Hi All,

I am a hobbyist knifemaker, and have gravitated towards kitchen knives because you can make a beautiful knife that will actually get used. I enjoy making hunters and skinners, or other field knives, but so often people are afraid to actually use them which seems a shame.

I like to cook, and have reasonable knife skills for an average person, but don't know a lot about what makes one knife design better than another for a particular application. I just recently found out that this place was "a thing", so I hope to lurk about here and learn about what makes for a good knife design.

Here are a few pics of some of my recent work. I've only been dabbling for 4 or 5 years, and haven't made many knives, so I am very new at this. There are some really great knife makers that have really inspired me, and I hope to someday be able to contribute the craft in the way they have.

Thanks for being "a thing"!

275 laddered chef 1 7-23-18.jpg

sanmai chefs pair.jpg

Howdy Brian! Welcome. :)

I'm pretty sure that I've seen your work before either on social media or a knife making forum. Very nice work, especially like your damascus patterns, very classy!

It's sad when a beautiful knife isn't used. :(

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