How many Straight Razor users do we have here?

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I got a 7/8 WaB last week that was easily the thinnest WaB I've seen. I got a great shave off of it yesterday. Easily up there with the best of my collection.
Does anybody here use an eastern style razor?

And my noob question....
Why don't they seem to be very popular?
For me, a kamisori just didn't work. I'm not a fan of "cross face shaving", nor do I like going WTG on one side and ATG on the other side of my face. It just doesn't work for me. I got a few decent shaves in, but nothing has come close to a Joseph Allen that a great friend of mine sent my way.

The tips on kamisoris can be downright deadly too! Too bad, because I wanted to love it. However, as with all opinions, YMMV. :D
Does anybody here use an eastern style razor?

And my noob question....
Why don't they seem to be very popular?
I have used kamisori, I have issue with storage as the edge is not protected. Other than that they shave fine.
I've used Kamisori's as well, and find them to be good shavers.
That said, I would definitely pick a good western most days

One of the guys i bought from also had this one when i asked him for SSA's, mint condition.

He's got a big batch he's going to put up soon, here's a link to his tradera
Whoa, nice one.
Thanks for the link.
I'l be watching those...

Paid 262 swedish kronor for that one.. so worth it

He's got one more SSA that's coming up (when his other straight-razors auctions has ended, but you can message him and ask him what he has, he does business at the side of tradera too (atleast with me this time)
And in total he has around 40 knives that are going up for auction.

Björnar.. i suspect you've bought a SSA from him before, a 2,5cm tall one. Heard he sold one for 1900 to norway and instantly thought of you

Here's the other SSA that's going up, i passed on this one, but if anyone wants it i bet he's going to take 200 for it:

Paid 262 swedish kronor for that one.. so worth it

Björnar.. i suspect you've bought a SSA from him before, a 2,5cm tall one. Heard he sold one for 1900 to norway and instantly thought of you

Good deal!

Nope, that wasn't me:) I've bought some 50 razors or so on there, but that one slipped by me..
Good deal!

Nope, that wasn't me:) I've bought some 50 razors or so on there, but that one slipped by me..

Haha, well, non the less, you've dealt with him before!

I'm thinking the SSA i got must be worth much more than i paid for it in this condition, unused. So i think i made a great deal
I bought a W&B from the SRP and after honing it on a Shobudani Asagi with an Asano Nagura it gives great shaves. It is a "Special".
I also have a Bo-Ras-Ic that I found at an "anteek" store, and with the same routine it shaves just as well.
Magnus, it's really cool that the soap is in the video (thanks), but I need to send you one of my stickers! :)
This thread makes me want to expand my collection. I have been too busy for so much stuff, but getting a few minutes to shave with a straight is a wonderful thing :)
Magnus, it's really cool that the soap is in the video (thanks), but I need to send you one of my stickers! :)

hehe Yeah well looks more handmade with handwritten words ;) . And now when i tryd your soap. its great i higly recomend it to others.
So, the first straight of 5 arrived today.
A C.V Heljestrand MK24, pretty good condition.
found this one in germany :) i was suprised the scales are in Ivory. its a CV Heljestrand Ludvig Lundin Katrineholm , Söderfors Extra Specialstål.

need some cleaning and a new edge.
2012-09-04 16.58.22.jpg2012-09-04 16.58.41.jpg


  • 2012-09-04 16.58.22.jpg
    2012-09-04 16.58.22.jpg
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Had some fun restoring this ERN 699. i paid slim to non since is had some rust,pitting and scratches on the scales n blade. alot fun :)
Had some fun restoring this ERN 699. i paid slim to non since is had some rust,pitting and scratches on the scales n blade. alot fun :)
Cool. How do you clean up and polish the sides of the blade (and the rest of the razor)?


i use sandpaper, i start at 1200,1500,2000,2500,3000,5000,8000,12000 and finish with a liquid that contains a 1 micron abrasive crystal, light pressure so you dont damage the blade. im not a fan of the buffering method. makes the corners very round and ugly. and for the scales i use sandpaper aswell if its plastic, if its ivory i use Dishing liquid and rubb it in well and after that i use thoothpaste and rubb in and clean it off and let it sit for a day and the shine comes of it self.
Thanks, Magnus. So just sandpaper wrapped around your finger? For the liquid, do you use a small piece of cloth?
yepp i wet the paper to. watch out if the blade has etching if so be very gently and dont add water if so. that will be gone fast if u sand. and if its gold etching dont even use a polish liquid.
For polishing blades you can use wine cork and other cylindrical objects of various diameters.
Check this tutorial out:

After I sand with sand paper I go to red aoto slurry to remove as much of the sanding marks as possible, works well for me.
I'll stick to my Non-Shiny stuff :p but you guys know me lol I'm way out in left field on what I like in a razor :)

If a wire wheel on my dremel doesn't get rit of it, it's not going anywhere...
I'll stick to my Non-Shiny stuff :p but you guys know me lol I'm way out in left field on what I like in a razor :)

If a wire wheel on my dremel doesn't get rit of it, it's not going anywhere...

I also like vintage look but I don't want active rust on the blade. But if I can make a 100year old knife look brand new in love that to.
Here is the MK31 dressed in Ivory i got for 18 bucks :). Just had to do some cleaning, but even thou it had some rust this razor was in great shape with no honeware

Before pics.


After pics.

I just made myself a new hanging strop, I'm calling it my "New Dog" (LOL), it's awesome for the edge but feels a tad slippery (for lack of draw). I can't believe how smooth it makes my old Frederick Reynolds wedge shave, that's saying something, you FR users know what I'm talking about.

I'm going to make another from the leftovers and treat it differently (get me some of that special magic leather conditioner stuff) and maybe even pretty up the edges to make it a little bit more "New Dog"(ish). Fun stuff :)
Nice Dave. Some pics? Do u have a linen side on the strop?

I just made myself a new hanging strop, I'm calling it my "New Dog" (LOL), it's awesome for the edge but feels a tad slippery (for lack of draw). I can't believe how smooth it makes my old Frederick Reynolds wedge shave, that's saying something, you FR users know what I'm talking about.

I'm going to make another from the leftovers and treat it differently (get me some of that special magic leather conditioner stuff) and maybe even pretty up the edges to make it a little bit more "New Dog"(ish). Fun stuff :)