Japanese Knives Jin knives back on the website

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KKF Vendor
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Feb 28, 2011
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Beverly Hills, CA
A little while back, we took down all of the Jin knives from the site in order to retake picture, measurements, and add the rest of our inventory of them to the website. After a long wait, we finally got them back up today. This is everything we have in stock from Jin, and being that the craftsman was retired and passed away in late 2015, once they are gone, they are gone. Each one is one of a kind, and being that they are all pretty unique in shape, style, and size, the options will being to dwindle as time goes one.

Anyways, here they are:
I'm curious, why is the copper used in between the two steels? You dont see it too often, especially on kitchen knives. Is it just instead of using flux during forging?
I just had to browse through all of the. They are so unique.

But I have also noticed that all of them are offered at the same price of $1,000. Is that intentional or maybe a mistake?
these are pretty old knives, and it seems this was a way that steels were clad to eachother back in the day (especially for steels that would not normally forgeweld together easily).
I just had to browse through all of the. They are so unique.

But I have also noticed that all of them are offered at the same price of $1,000. Is that intentional or maybe a mistake?

intentional... before the maker passed away, we had a talk about pricing, as it was all over the place previously. He didnt always remember what things were, so we decided to just price everything the same for sake of sanity.
I think I say this every time you mention or show these, but although I have never held a Jin in hand, I really like them for what they represent. I wish my skill level and paycheck could justify owning one of these beautiful pieces.
Ive personally held these knives nd there is something very unique about them. The copper in between is just something ive never seen before and like Jon said, once theyre gone theyre gone! Def on my list!