Anyone see This konosuke zdp-189 gyuto? what do you think?
I think it is way too expensive.
I'd rather get a honyaki knife to that.
It's also Canadian dollars. The edge would probably last way longer than a honyaki knife.
I personally do not subscriibe to the mystic of ZDP, it could be superb steel but IMHO HRC 66+ is not what tells the story.
From what the description says this s custom production knife, so if they are not making it on a reg basis that means it is not worth the trouble.
I can see how one can buy this from a pure collector stand point though.
Not really a fan of the profile either.
Isn't ZDP and Cowry X, similar steels?
RRLover from the forum that shall not be named, owns a ZDP gyuto. He put it up for sale, a few weeks ago.
Japanese Chef Knives, has ZDP knives at a lower price. In my eyes they are also a better looking knife.
Why are you digging up a 6 year old thread?
Good lord. Looks like the 20% increase is in effect with this one. Oh my