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New Member
Feb 1, 2023
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Hi everyone! I’m looking for recommendations on quality kitchen knives. I have RA and chopping/slicing has become a lot more laborious over the last few years. I LOVE to cook all types of different cuisines. I have a few Shun knives but I am not sold that these are the ones for me. I would like have some guidance that is not from the sales person trying to influence me for the commission. Thank you for your advice and guidance!

I would recommend you start a separate thread in the Kitchen Knife subforum and title it something about having RA in your hands and wanting advice for cutting. No doubt folks will respond.

I guess the first thing I personally would look to is sharpening. Geometry cuts for sure and that can help a lot but so too does a good edge. I don't know if you sharpen now, but I imagine with RA that can be challenging. If so, this is one of those times when a jig system can shine. I'd rather have sharp mediocre knives than dull fancy ones. :)

I have arthritis in my thumbs and too much cutting can make them sore. Mostly though it's the weak grip and unsteadiness that I sometimes experience that is troublesome for me.

Shun does have their followers here but I personally think you can do better and not have to spend a bunch more. And if you do find yourself needing a jig system, then I definitely wouldn't get too high end as the systems have limitations.

But like I said, start a thread. KKF has the best folks and they'll get you sorted. :)