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New Member
Nov 2, 2022
Reaction score
Hey. Love most all things knives, knife making, and sharpening. From California here.

Question though, most all topics I have "insufficient privileges" to post. It this a pay to play forum only?
Pls read the "Please Read" thread under new member intro. The forum is not "pay to play".

1st you do an intro. Only one pls. Then it's approved (99% of time). Then software does computer things and you are approved to post, reply to posts, pm and anything else. The only exception is new posts in the BST forums require 30 days of participation and 50 meaningful posts.

You've done your post.

I've approved your post.

I've deleted your second post.

The software is doing computer things.

All will be good shortly.
Pls read the "Please Read" thread under new member intro. The forum is not "pay to play".

1st you do an intro. Only one pls. Then it's approved (99% of time). Then software does computer things and you are approved to post, reply to posts, pm and anything else. The only exception is new posts in the BST forums require 30 days of participation and 50 meaningful posts.

You've done your post.

I've approved your post.

I've deleted your second post.

The software is doing computer things.

All will be good shortly.
The second post was in error. I posted, then came back an hour later to not see it posted and thought maybe I didn't click "Post".