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World's most expensive knife?

Pattern welded damascus, doesn't say what the core steel is except "finest carbon" and I'm not too sure about the profile, but if you have $89,000.00 to spare you could give it a try and let us know how it works out :)
When you see a $1000 knife, you might buy it, or you might say to yourself "I could get 2 or 3 knives for that".

When you see this knife, the conversation is a bit different: "I could get 2 or 3 knives and a cook".
I don't see the hype for this knife. After it goes over the limit of price it becomes less about utility and more of an art item.
I don't see the hype for this knife. After it goes over the limit of price it becomes less about utility and more of an art item.
Agreed, I don't think it's intended to be used (thinned, sharpened, etc.) but I guess it could be.

If it's your type of art or if you want to use it as a daily cutter (and you're happy to shell out the $89K) who's to argue?

Or like I said in the title get one to hang on the wall and the other to chop onions. :)
I don't see the hype for this knife. After it goes over the limit of price it becomes less about utility and more of an art item.
And as soon as that point is reached, the question just becomes "Do you like this art". (Well, also "Would you like to receive this art as much as you'd like to receive $89,000.)
I don't see the hype for this knife. After it goes over the limit of price it becomes less about utility and more of an art item.

This is certainly the logic behind this prohibitive price.
But I've always hard times with art forgetting, it first was craftsmanship (and its primary function).
Furthermore the fact of not being able to use a craft object due to its excessive cost is it enough to qualify it as art? Not sure...
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Furthermore the fact of not being able to use a craft object due to its excessive cost is it enough to qualify it as art? Not sure...
I'd argue that this question doesn't matter very much, because except for "useful" or "art" (or "both useful and art"), I don't think there are any other categories that a knife could belong to. So if a certain knife isn't useful, then IMO it's either art you like or art you don't like.
This is certainly the logic behind this prohibitive price.
But I've always hard times with art forgetting, it first was craftsmanship (and its primary function).
Furthermore the fact of not being able to use a craft object due to its excessive cost is it enough to qualify it as art? Not sure...
What if the “artist” does not heat treat the knife, I mean art, and does not set and sharpen an edge. This will make the piece an unusable knife. Will it be art then?
What if the “artist” does not heat treat the knife, I mean art, and does not set and sharpen an edge. This will make the piece an unusable knife. Will it be art then?
I guess in theory someone could later fix those usability problems - that repair person would be getting the edge, but missing the point.
Maybe we're not considering all the right types of art.

A certain man has lived in the bush for thirty years, eating what he can find and sleeping in a tent. One day by chance, he meets someone, it's love at first sight, and they move into a nice house together. Of course the lifestyle change is jarring at first for someone who'd been living in the bush that long, but he wants it to work out all right, and it does. One day, in an emotionally-charged gesture, he hammers one of his tent pegs into the livingroom wall. They both smile. He is home here.

The tent peg is not pretty, nor was it made with particular care or dedication - it's just a factory tent peg. In the bush, it was important because it was useful. Stuck in this livingroom wall belonging to these two people, it's no longer useful, but it's definitely art. It's art because it has meaning, not because of how nice it looks.

A knife being displayed has a number of possible meanings, and a strangely-decorated-possibly-useless knife may add on a few more potential meanings. Not all of the meanings are ones I like, for example "Look at me, I have good taste, because diamonds! ON A KNIFE!!!" - but there are lots of meanings anyway.
Haha... it's hideous!

I've said it before but - once you go past a certain point there's a very strong positive correlation between the price of a knife and how godawful ugly it is.
Haha... it's hideous!

I've said it before but - once you go past a certain point there's a very strong positive correlation between the price of a knife and how godawful ugly it is.
I think a lot of the respected-on-KKF knives are ugly, but they're not THIS ugly, and not in this way. It seems to me like maybe the reason could be that the "artist" of this "knife" kept making more and more effort, adding visual distractions, because he wanted to feel as if he had accomplished something worthwhile.
Shipping policy: White glove delivery service, unboxed in room of your choice.
It costs 200 bucks for some random dude to walk into your kitchen, open the box, and put it on the counter. Similar price and amount of work for white glove delivery service of 5 refrigerators.
It costs 200 bucks for some random dude to walk into your kitchen, open the box, and put it on the counter. Similar price and amount of work for white glove delivery service of 5 refrigerators.
I was thinking maybe they sent Broida out to open it up for you.