I’ve seen this phrase many times, and I’m still trying to understand the full meaning.
As a background to this, it seems that the terms “sharpening” and “polishing” are not differentiated for many experienced people, but rather are considered different parts of one process.
For awhile, I thought “stone ready bevels” meant flat bevels. But this never made sense to me, because it implied modifying all knives by all makers to be the same flat-beveled shape. Recently, and to my relief, I read this in a different thread:
As a background to this, it seems that the terms “sharpening” and “polishing” are not differentiated for many experienced people, but rather are considered different parts of one process.
For awhile, I thought “stone ready bevels” meant flat bevels. But this never made sense to me, because it implied modifying all knives by all makers to be the same flat-beveled shape. Recently, and to my relief, I read this in a different thread:
This makes total sense: the many styles of convexity all contribute hugely, and differently, to the cutting feel. So just what is the meaning of stone ready?Yes, light pressure and pay careful attention to your angles. Last thing you want to create is a flat bevel blade. Maintain the convexity