New Knife Block, Finished and Populated.

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Jun 13, 2023
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Used to have an old fashioned block, of the type you all detest as there is no ventilation (didn't bother they Wusthoffs). I don't have wall space for magnetic strips, and need to keep them out of harms way (Girlfriend, not kids or pets), so had to get inventive.

Based it on a "Jones" but with room to grow!
Can hold 28 Knives, 3 Cleavers and some accessories. So should last me until 2025.
Made from Steam Beech, and Finished in Danish Oil.
Took me about 6 weeks worth of weekends, a couple of hours at a time.


Build Process

Base materials, delivered cut to size, square, and finished. (Woodshop Direct - Order Cut To Size Wood In Seconds | Woodshop Direct if you are interested)

Sides, Glue Up


Glued and Clamped

Tadaaaa! Ready to Oil

Oiled and ready to populate

Bish Bash Bosh, job done
Nicely done and hope it serves you well. From time to time I have considered making a block, but will hold off until I become more settled with keepers. When I do it will probably be similar to yours, but on a slant and slots as a typical block. As far as ventilation, I feel less may very well be better, dependant on location.
Aaannnnd the GF has just seen how much space it takes up, doesn't seem impressed!
That is why I decided against a bigger DIY version of the following beforehand (call me weak but I need my peace!):
Zassenhaus knife block
Just bough it in the end and am pretty happy with it. (knives up to 24cm length)

Good job on yours! I was considering this design too but the one above would have been easier to order (just a couple of holes in each board)
That is why I decided against a bigger DIY version of the following beforehand (call me weak but I need my peace!):
Zassenhaus knife block
Just bough it in the end and am pretty happy with it. (knives up to 24cm length)

Good job on yours! I was considering this design too but the one above would have been easier to order (just a couple of holes in each board)
I did look at that, but "12 Kives" and only 240 in length.

And I wouldn't have got any peace anyway, she'd just find something else! With a bit of luck she'll be to busy moaning about this to notice the large chopping board im making!