On-Line Sharpening School

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"What I also know is that it's helped to keep the peace here for 6+ yrs."

As an outsider, let me ask a polite "could it have become a bitter peace?"....
"What I also know is that it's helped to keep the peace here for 6+ yrs."

As an outsider, let me ask a polite "could it have become a bitter peace?"....

Maybe it has.

Maybe it's time for the censored links to be uncensored? Me, I learned my lesson, someone else will have to make that move.

If the place turns into the old KF (filled with retail whores) we can always start over with a new forum I suppose.
I like what the forum is. Sometimes the censorship is annoying but the longer I've been here the more i understand this can be a delicate balance.
as a new member here I thought the idea was to promote good foundation for beginner to advanced sharpening and to share knowledge...
I think all this talk is counterproductive to the message of an online sharpening class that may be of value to members of this board..
the content will speak for itself over time....
I'd say move on with your lives....
as a new member here I thought the idea was to promote good foundation for beginner to advanced sharpening and to share knowledge...
I think all this talk is counterproductive to the message of an online sharpening class that may be of value to members of this board..
the content will speak for itself over time....
I'd say move on with your lives....

I think you misinterpret the intent of this place. While what you say is a side effect, this place is a community where people with a bad addiction can come and talk about it and be enabled to fall deeper into the dark hole by fellow addicts. :sly:
as a new member here I thought the idea was to promote good foundation for beginner to advanced sharpening and to share knowledge...
I think all this talk is counterproductive to the message of an online sharpening class that may be of value to members of this board..
the content will speak for itself over time....
I'd say move on with your lives....

It still shocks me of how much drama for such a small community.
Hey Guys,
I am Roberto, owner of KnifePlanet. Thanks for checking our first lesson of the Sharpening School. We are working on future lessons and we'll publish the 2nd soon.
Feedback, comments and recommendations are always welcome. :) Thanks to Jon and Peter for making this happen!
Only one lesson up so far and already 5 pages of discussion, AWESOME! :D

I watched the video and my favorite part is where Peter checks the edge cutting phonebook paper then casually tosses it away on the floor. I LOLed. :biggrin:

Jon and Peter are the two people who made the most sense to me when I started trying to learn sharpening. Kudos.
Hey Guys,
I am Roberto, owner of KnifePlanet. Thanks for checking our first lesson of the Sharpening School. We are working on future lessons and we'll publish the 2nd soon.
Feedback, comments and recommendations are always welcome. :) Thanks to Jon and Peter for making this happen!

LOL, are you the guy who got banned before? I'm sure if you are you wouldn't come back and link to your website again. :D
Play nice Dave. I'm sure we're all smarter now than we were then. :nono:

Of course I welcome you raising the bs flag if anything gets out of line.
LOL, are you the guy who got banned before? I'm sure if you are you wouldn't come back and link to your website again. :D

I'm sorry, but what's wrong with this? He's not selling goods, he's not creating spam, and he's not making money from what he's posting here. He's just a guy who really likes knives and has made a web page dedicated to sharing knowledge. How is that detrimental to what we do here?
LOL, are you the guy who got banned before? I'm sure if you are you wouldn't come back and link to your website again. :D

I'm sorry, but what's wrong with this? He's not selling goods, he's not creating spam, and he's not making money from what he's posting here. He's just a guy who really likes knives and has made a web page dedicated to sharing knowledge. How is that detrimental to what we do here?

It's not an issue if no one thinks it's an issue.
I'm sorry, but what's wrong with this? He's not selling goods, he's not creating spam, and he's not making money from what he's posting here. He's just a guy who really likes knives and has made a web page dedicated to sharing knowledge. How is that detrimental to what we do here?

LOL, are you the guy who got banned before? I'm sure if you are you wouldn't come back and link to your website again. :D

I have no idea what you're talking about

I might have mis-spoken before, and I apologize if that's the case. However, I do recall Robert(o) being told about posting links off site to duplicate information. We had made it a point early on that we would prefer all related knife content to be posted here vs off site. The whole point being that we post and discuss related content here rather than re-directing traffic off site for the same purpose.

I'm no longer the owner/admin here so my opinion is just that. I'm merely offering up perspective and history, the new owners/admin can decide if they want to drive traffic away or keep it here, it's their business now.
Lets shut this one down, the kernels are getting stuck between my teeth.

The link is staying. Robert is staying. Peter is staying. There were reasons for shutting it down awhile ago, I won't argue with or defend those actions here. They made sense at the time.

Peter and Jon are doing something that is of interest to this community. Anything previous is now filed under "That was then, this is now".

@Peter/Jon, I encourage you to post a new thread with a little about the blog, the whats, the whys and what have you. Include the link. No problem with this site providing a way point to the sharpening class. No problem with discussions on this site about material in the sharpening class. Pls do not promote anything here that conflicts with, competes with, anything here.

@Peter/Roberto, As KnifePlanet is not a supporting site, you are participating as a regular member. Any perception that you are promoting your blog, your services, your products, for profit will be shut down without further discussion. Pls make this easy on all concerned. If you would like to discuss becoming a supporting entity, I'm sure Angie can help make that happen.

And this one is closed. Thanks all for reading.
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