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Feb 13, 2019
Reaction score
Portland, or
Hey all, worked and studied as a professional cook but never learned much about knives. Slowly learning and excited to learn more with ya'll.
Welcome to the forums Harry.

You'll find lots of info on knives here.

Are you still a Pro Cook? What sort of food do you Cook?
Thanks. Yah already seen a bunch of beauties, surprisingly a knife roll is what brought me initially to this forum.

I'm not cooking professionally anymore so that's why I have time and money to learn about knives haha.

I cook anything that catches my eye. It slowly changes all the time, currently I'm into noodle making and just got out of a stretch of broth and stock making so naturally I'm doing a lot of noodle soups. This coming growing season I plan on doing more fermenting and adding that in. Maybe get some more reps in on the smoker too when its nice out. Yah sorry "What sort of food do you cook?" is a tough question to answer.
Noodles, and noodle soups. All of them, ramen, pho, bun rieu, taiwanese braised beef noodle, soba, bun bo hue, lan zhou, wonton mein, chicken noodle haha... If you know of a good noodle soup always looking for a new version.
Welcome Harry! Do you have good recipes for them :). My wife and I have gotten relatively OK at making a decent bowl of Taiwanese braised beef noodle. But I've been having a lot of Laksa or other south-east asian noodle soup cravings.