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Jun 13, 2023
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I know this is more a knife forum. But I thought you may be interested in some scissors.

I was sick to death of my ****** Wusthof (unsharpenable) kitchen scissors (how a company can make knives as over engineered as that, and at the same time such poor scissors is beyond me) So research lead me to "Ernest Wright" of Sheffield. I was going to get some Japanese ones but the craftsmanship of these appealed. Before Mass production, this is how scissors were made, and Sheffield was one of the world leaders in Cutlery manufacturing, there can't have been many housholds in England that didn't have some Sheffield Stell in their drawer, and I suppose that ironically its the mass production that they started that in the end killed them.

We looks with admiration at Japanese craftsmanship, and forget that once upon a time the, UK had craftsmen of similar quality, we just decided that we would rather have cheap mass produced stuff instead.

The "Putter" short video is worth a look, this vid literally saved the company, and led to a kickstarter for the Kutrite, demand soared on its release.
Not had chance to use them in anger yet, but they feel lovely in the hand, very tactile. After this build up they had better be good especially for £98! And I even got a certificate from the Mayor of Sheffield.

I do have a tenuous link in that my Son went to Uni in Sheffield (don't miss that regular drive up the A31,m27,m3,A34,m40, a46, m46 and M1!), Uncle did his apprenticeship in a Sheffield steel plant, and my grandads name was Ernest! So when I use them it will remind me of my passed relatives (and that awful drive).

I may have to put my name down on the waiting list for a pair of "Kutrites".

Ernest Wright don't have stock, but managed to get some from Workshop Heaven | the finest range of woodworking tools (a site that could be dangerous to my bank balance, that lapping plate looks well sexy) Their IG is quite interesting too. ( Not advertising I have no links to them)



For me the most important thing in a pair of kitchen scissors is that they're easy to take apart and put together again so I can actually clean them easily. And no, having 'just one screw' does not count easy to take apart.
I've had a relatively cheap Japanese pair made by Silky (bought through JCK because the usual shiny metal model everyone sells was out of stock). Served me well, but admittedly I was never particularly picky about them.