Shigefusa 240 Passaround

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Senior Member
Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Well, against my better judgement, I am offering to passaround a 240mm Shigefusa. Usual rules apply: keep it about a week, sharpen it only if you know what you are doing, mail it insured. May divide up the list into legs if it is long or if there are participants out of the US. You should have some history on this site.

PM me with your mailing address
I def. would love to be in this one. I have always wondered if all the hype is all it is cracked up to be.
I would love to be in this one! Thank you so much for putting this one out there! I have a little history on this site........
Definitely in, PM sent.
um, yup, count me in, got to see what all the commotion is all about.
PM sent, thanks for the most kind offer. I would love to try a Shig gyuto!
Can I join? I'd really love to try a shigge!
assuming this is a gyoto? As I just recieved a 300mm shig yanagiba id like to try the gyuto. (its a true single bevel right?)
whats a single bevel chefs knife called than? Still would love to try it!
whats a single bevel chefs knife called than? Still would love to try it!

Either usuba or kiritsuke are more common but neither one is a "chef's knife". Usuba is a single bevel vegetable knife. Kiritsuke is a single bevel hybrid knife, a cross between the usuba and a yanagiba.

I don't recall ever seeing a single bevel gyuto though. I think suisin made one but I've never seen it. They're are probably some others out there but I would say they are the anomalies. Jon could probably drum up more real info than I can on this subject. JON!!!:dontknow:
@ OT: I believe Jon has stated recently that the only single-bevel gyuto he's seen is the one HHH did a little while back.

I would like to do this if there's room. I'm pass around happy right now, but I've never used a Shig.....
Thought I had already indicated my desire to be included, but apparently my post is lost somewhere in cyber space. Many thanks for the opportunity! :wow:

PM sent yesterday.
I hope you all know that you are ruining yourselves to other knives' cutting performance.
Ben, if there remains a spot somewhere here... well, this seems just too rare an opportunity to let pass.

Regardless, thanks for the generous trials of your primo knives.
I hope you all know that you are ruining yourselves to other knives' cutting performance.

Yeah...last night I could hear my check book whimpering in the dark. It has strange and mysterious powers that allow it to predict future expenditures.