Oh nice to have a labelled Dalmore that's still actually blue

. So many of the ones you see, including the couple I've had, have gone brown. If you leave them in degreaser for a week then you can see the original grey-blue colour returning to the surface... and then they go brown again. Possibly more oil from inside seeping back up, but I slightly lost patience by that stage!
My one in the pics doesn't cut particularly well on water either - I usually raise slurry. Though I'll have to give a go with soapy / dishwasher liquid water, sounds like it might be a good solution - ta.
Very interesting comparison of the two CFs - I don't think I've even seen pictures before of that kind of very old and properly 'khaki' version, certainly all the ones I've had have just been varying shades of green. Sounds like it matches how I had them in my mind too, i.e. a softer, faster, coarser version. Which is excellent I imagine; while I like more 'normal' CFs for razors quite a lot, I don't use them on knives tbh, cos of the fine-and-slow thing.
Thank you for the visual reference point... ebay here I come!
