The Game of Steel & Stones | A KKF RPG Tale

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Careful man, there's a beverage here...
KKF Supporting Member
Mar 22, 2022
Reaction score
Lost Angels USA
I'm reposting this from a smaller thread so hopefully more can get some laugh over a funny way to explain our collection/hobby/obsession....

The Game of Steel & Stones

As told by sir ch_br, from the land of Lost Angels:​

Forgive me all, as the following are abridged rules. I am currentlt at an INN awaiting the company of other fellow travelers.

Here are my personal house rules and or gameplay description of The Game of Steel & Stones:
  1. Level up in life to start making decent gold each month
  2. Learn to make various foods from scratch from all sorts of people, chefs, jobs, traveling quests, etc.
  3. Acquire a starter steel blade and sharpen it because it won't cut your fresh farmers produce well
  4. Fall in love with sharpened knives because they make meal quests shorter
  5. Run out of steel to sharpen and realize your steel is meh or sh*++y, at best
  6. Start learning about knives and slowly amass an armory that could supply half a brigade
  7. With better knives come exotic steels of fabled construction techniques and materials from far away mythical lands
  8. Import steel from these increasingly exotic far far away lands
  9. When learning of these distant lands you discover interesting food and take side quests to make said foods
  10. In turn acquire stones from the ancestral lands of exotic knives because they are the ways of ancient bushido warriors
  11. Barter and swap: Stones and Steel and all manner of Tales with fellow travelers and adventurers who also adventure on quests to gather stones and steel
  12. With better steel and stones come increasing complicated quests to make better foods
  13. Eating the delicious food from these quests grants high XP points to fuel you in greater, more complicated, and more expenaice Steel and Stone Questing

Eventually this causes you to run on an infinite loop from steps 7-13 above...

This is still as fun as the original quest you embarked upon because you never stop learning and meeting other interesting, funny, obsessive, recluse, outgoing, fellow travelers inside Life's Game of Steel & Stones...
Me thinks there could be many more quests and side quests revolving around stones? No? 😉

You are correct, good sir.

Many quests, from lands far and wide, await all those who wish to level up their experience points and their equipment in both stones, steel, and their associated cross disciplines.
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You are correct, good sir.

Many quests, from lands far and wide, await all those who wish to level up their experience points and their equipment in both stones, steel, and their associated cross disciplines.
I await your magical DLC. Will you be offering a Season Pass with some cosmetic items? Loot boxes? 🤦‍♂️