The knife abstinence thread

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I'll be honest, I didn't give them nearly the comparison they deserve or that a forum like this would expect. OOTB I knew the Kagekiyo would smoke the Ashi for the ways I use a petty. Stopped in the office off the clock to help with some quick prep and give it a test drive, and the Ashi's fate was sealed.

The thinness and flex of the Ashi has it's uses, and in a perfect world I'd keep both. But I'm kinda in the @panda camp: no more than five knives in my bag, and no space for a mostly redundant knife that performs worse on the board.
Totally understandable. The way I use my Ashi 180mm western petty is like boning, filet, melon prep and general utility all in one knife. And the flex helps especially with these tasks. I could see Kagekiyo being a lot better as more dedicated mini pull cutter.
Totally understandable. The way I use my Ashi 180mm western petty is like boning, filet, melon prep and general utility all in one knife. And the flex helps especially with these tasks. I could see Kagekiyo being a lot better as more dedicated mini pull cutter.
Yes, 100%. The in-hand flex is especially useful, and I'll have a better head to head comparison by the end of my work week on Sunday. Really should have prefaced my post with "initial impressions."

Interested to see which stacks up better against a few miles of silverskin.
I'm thinking of making Portland a Summer vacation destination so that I can visit the Steelport factory and pick out a knife *LOL*

I am on Edd Work's waitlist and will be able to order something special late next year. I'm thinking of an S Grind chef's knife in ApexUltra. My fav knife sharpener said that ApexUltra is a pain to sharpen...wahahaha
You’re supposed to flip it for profit! Kids these days ~harumph~
No posts, no knives. I take this as a sign, that people who wants to stay clean, are doing great.
The dangerous part for me is, that after a month clean, I really only have a couple of knives that I want, other than that, I don’t feel the urge to splurge anymore. I feel kinda cleansed
The dangerous part for me is, that after a month clean, I really only have a couple of knives that I want, other than that, I don’t feel the urge to splurge anymore. I feel kinda cleansed
That’s really amazing.

After a month clean I want to buy everything. “Where da knives at??!!”
Wouldn't that work for those with the "other half" problems...

"Hey honey... remembeeeeer when I told you two years ago that I had finally gotten on "x maker's" forever waiting list? Well it's finally ready, I'm so excited, don't worry it's been long all paid for. Can't wait to make your favorite meal with it!"

You can hone the technique and talk about some knife and waiting list each three months (or three days) and say you'll just slowly build up the cash in the meanwhile.
Im kind curious to see, who lasted a whole month. Not counting those super cool kids, who just stay clean most of the year. May they be our guidance.
I think that’s fair game.

@Uncle Danny - I think I’ve been clean about a month, maybe headed into month 2.

Does it count if I did a one in one out? Or at least sell enough knives to make sure the book is balanced or in the black?
I think that’s fair game.

@Uncle Danny - I think I’ve been clean about a month, maybe headed into month 2.

Does it count if I did a one in one out? Or at least sell enough knives to make sure the book is balanced or in the black?
I believe the rules stipulate that as long as you stay in the black, you're fine.