Unique feather damascus knife set - available in store.

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Senior Member
Jul 9, 2011
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Hello folks, these were the last 3 knives I made prior to the workshop move. I am very proud of them, I feel they represent a culmination of my developments to date, from the steel combinations , to the grind and handle details. Hope they find a loving home :)

These are now uploaded in my store with more pictures, thanks for looking.
These need to sell, due to my workshop moving situation. With over 100 hours work in these it was a bit of a risk as I would hate to split the set. One and only price drop/KKF offer of a 10% discount on these. So pm me if you would like to take this unique opportunity.
KKF checkout code for the 10% discount is 00KKF00 will be valid until next Monday the 30th of June.
Wish I had the funds for this Will. This is a truly incredible set of knives. Im sure they sell quickly.
Great looking set Will, paypal seems to be lacking pay in kidney option :)

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I'm assuming that they couldn't be adjusted for a left hander?
Thanks Guys, maybe in the future, paypal will sort their acts out and realise that body parts can be a perfectly good currency ;)
Regarding turning the handle over for a left hander...
Could be tricky, although the handles are not yet epoxied in place. The slot is kind of V shaped slightly to match the grind into the tangs, so although a little fettling would be possible, could end up with a larger than desirable gap between tang and ferrule slot at the bottom side of the slot, once fettled to fit the tang in the other way up.
The Gyuto slots in just the other way up. Would need a bit of a fettle to sit central and flush again, but there is a bigger gap that way at the bottom of the tang fitting. That would bother me a little, but really only you can decide if it would bother you. So yes they can still be fettled, but with a larger gap at the bottom of the tang hole. Obviously filled by epoxy after I have masked and epoxied on the handles.

It would kind of bother me a bit though. Looks like I made them wrong handed :D
Thanks for the explanation Will. I guess it would be best not to reverse the handles, so I'll have to pass and wait a few years for a custom order...

I'm sure they won't hang around long as they are stunning.
Hey Will,
Just wanted to let you know that the knives arrived yesterday safe and sound. I guess they spent some quality time with Uncle Sam in customs. They are truly spectacular and I can' t wait to use them. On the other hand, they are so beautiful that I really don't want to use them...decisions, decisions.:biggrin:
Ed, thanks I was about to check the tracking. Yes they must have got held for a week or so. I wonder what they do with them....Great, do cut with them, you know a blue patina is very special on a feather pattern. :D