well, i just nearly cut off a toe...

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Founding Member
Mar 1, 2011
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i was cutting some fish for ceviche, and i set my yanagi on my cutting board before turning to grab something. turning back, i somehow tripped over my own feet, and fell towards the countertop. my right hand of course comes down on the knife handle and sends it flying. i recovered and saw that the knife had embedded itself into my wood floor and was standing straight up and down, close enough to my shoe that it cut into the rubber rand next to my big toe.

it's telling, i suppose, that my first thought wasn't "holy crap, i nearly injured myself!" but instead "holy crap, i bet i screwed up my knife!" the knife is fine, somehow. i'm not quite sure how to prevent that kind of accident, other than maybe take ballet lessons, or something, to become more graceful in my movements, countertop to countertop. :scared1:
glad to hear you are ok, as for the knife put it far from the edge of the countertop?
glad to hear you are ok, as for the knife put it far from the edge of the countertop?

it was, that's something i'm careful about, because my girlfriend has a tendency to not pay attention to my knives when we cook together. i think i just kind of grabbed for it...

Nearly killed my dog the same way!

i hope your dog recovered from the experience!
Reminds of:

Kramer: You know Jerry, when somebody yells 'heads up', you're not supposed to actually look up.
Reminds of:

Kramer: You know Jerry, when somebody yells 'heads up', you're not supposed to actually look up.

that's the ticket! :happy2: i actually found out, when i took off my shoes, that the knife had cut through and slightly nicked my toe. i hadn't felt the slight bleeding. talk about lucky.
...i hope your dog recovered from the experience!
Fortunately, the knife missed her -- but it was close! The yanagi went point down, just missing both Cody she's always underfoot when I cook, on alert for the nearly constant spillage) and my foot, hitting the tile floor (which didn't do either the knife or the floor much good).
bad chips on the blade? glad it didn't hit anybody!
Tip was chipped a bit, but it ground out OK. I still shudder when I think of how close I came to stabbing my "sous chef" -- the knife surely would have done great damage.


That better not have been the Yanagi you sold to me Doug! :p I dropped my Ka-Bar on my foot when I was younger and foolishly playing with it without thinking any better. It went right in tip down but was between the veins. The would healed, but the trauma lasts forever, especially for my poor mother who saw it happen.
I saved my gyuto from a nosedive this past Thanksgiving. Unfortunately, the price for being too slow to catch it (and too dumb to let it freefall) was a visit to the ER and a dozen or so stitches on the last two fingers on my left hand. I didn’t nick the tendon enough to for surgery, but my pinky finger was braced and stuck out like some high society person sipping tea for a couple of weeks. On the plus side, no one touches the knives with funny handles anymore – except me. :happy1:
That better not have been the Yanagi you sold to me Doug! :p ....
Knife in photo is the one of the knives you bought from me, but it's not the would-be dog guillotine (I have no photo of that).