Which stone for scratch removing before finishing stone?

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Apr 26, 2021
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My dear friends!

I have some yanagiba and iron clad gyuto need to re-finish the whole surface (edge).
I am looking for a stone to remove scratch and prepare the edge/surface for final kasumi finish. I have Naniwa Chosera 400-800-3000, and Rika 5k. I am not sure why the Rika 5k create a lot of deep scratch and the finish is much worse than chosera 3k. I remove Rika 5k from my polishing collection. I have some nice Tenjou Suita for final finish. Before the final finish, I wish to find a nice stone to remove the scratch from chosera 3k. Do you have any suggestion? I guess I need a 6k stone or should I find a Mikawa Shiro Nagura for scratch removing?
Aizu, Mikawa Shiro Nagura, a good Aoto, Maruoyama Ao Suita (Ive got two, one is a pre-finisher one is basically a Shiro Suita 🤷‍♂️ ), softer Uchigumori. This list is not ordered, it just depends on individual examples and what you like

many finishers can pick up directly after chosera 3k if you're REALLY thorough.

I like Aizu a lot personally
For complete scratch removal, SS5k? I usually end up pretty clean after the 3k, and the 5k does the rest unless I start the natural progression. Keep in mind the 5k still does leave scratches.. I once in a while go up to 12k to completely delete core steel scratches, but I find that unnecessary if you’re going to a natural stone afterwards, as I don’t have a jnat fine enough to produce a hard mirror.

The best I’ve found is a super soft Hideriyama. Probably a level 2.5-3, lands squarely between binsui and low finishers. JNS has some small aiiwatani and super cool takashima kan for “decent” prices, I imagine those could be ideal.

Honestly, I sometimes don’t even go to the NP3k. I don’t love how it polishes, and if I’m after kasumi a natural progression is easier to control and tinker with after NP1k. I have a couple stones that work amazing at that scratch-deleting range, but as you know with jnats, it’s hard to get the same results even from the same pedigree.
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I like the arashiyama 6k a lot for this exact task. I use it usually after shapton 2k to remove the scratches from that, so it should also work well for 3k scratches
My dear friends!

I have some yanagiba and iron clad gyuto need to re-finish the whole surface (edge).
I am looking for a stone to remove scratch and prepare the edge/surface for final kasumi finish. I have Naniwa Chosera 400-800-3000, and Rika 5k. I am not sure why the Rika 5k create a lot of deep scratch and the finish is much worse than chosera 3k. I remove Rika 5k from my polishing collection. I have some nice Tenjou Suita for final finish. Before the final finish, I wish to find a nice stone to remove the scratch from chosera 3k. Do you have any suggestion? I guess I need a 6k stone or should I find a Mikawa Shiro Nagura for scratch removing?
No personal experience with the Rika 5k, but from BDL's description in Cheftalk I remember him saying that it starts at some 3k, and only gets finer when the particles have broken down.
As for the Chosera 3k,the particle size corresponds more to a JIS 4k.