Japanese Knives Would there be interest?

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Would there be interest?

  • Yes, i would be interested. Best idea EVER!!!

  • No... that just seems ridiculous. Stop smoking crack Jon!

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KKF Vendor
Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
Beverly Hills, CA
So, here is my question for you guys...

Would there be interest in the following:

a set of 2 stones (medium and fine grit)...
  • super fast cutting
  • works fast on literally EVERY steel i have tried (even the most wear resistant steels)
  • truly splash and go (does not need or benefit from soaking at all)
  • the medium grit stone is fast enough to act as a coarse stone (its faster than many 500 grit stones i've tried)
  • they dont need flattening
  • they are normal sized
  • the fine stone leaves what i consider to be an almost perfect balance of tooth to refinement
  • they work well on single and double bevels, but do not leave a nice kasumi finish, more of just a very even finish

but the set cost you right around $300 (maybe $310)

What do you guys think?

Feel free to leave your comments and thoughts below.
Does not need flattening? Are these diamond plates?

Interested in hearing more.
They really don't need any flattening ever? I'd probably consider buying it if that were the case.
They are diamond, but not traditional diamond plates... anyways, the max that they can not be flat is more flat than many peoples sharpening stones except those that flatten very often. Really, the most they need is a touchup from a special nagura from time to time.

I've had similar stones (but not exactly this one) that i havent flattened in 2.5-3 years and is still flat after very significant use. This new thing i've been testing is a bit different than previous ones i've used though.
Hmmm....how would they wear compared to typical synthetic stones?
sounds very interesting to me, but 300$ is some hard stuff.
I'm interested. What kind of diamond? I don't mind paying that much if they are worth it.
anyways, my shapton pro broke into 2 pieces today... its not like i do need to replace it... but i would like to :D
Sounds like a set I would keep at work. I would be interested.
Can I try them before voting? haha :scared2:

But yes, I'd be interested because I still kind of want the coarse stone but this sounds like it may be a better option...

yes, you can try them anytime you want. They are the 2 main stones in my rotation right now.

On how they wear... the answer is very slowly. I've had one similar to the current ones i have that have lasted through 3 years of my serious abuse and sharpening and still have about a year left in them. These ones seem to wear a tiny bit faster, but still, for most anyone that is not sharpening professionally, i cant imagine you will run through one anytime soon.

On really coarse work, i still use my wheel (the one i have on now is about 150 grit), but then i follow the 150 grit up with this medium grit and it works great to remove the scratches quickly.
Sounds intriguing, but without seeing it in action it's easy to make up ideas about what it may or may not be. hint hint

If it's diamond, wears slowly and doesn't need flattening, is it something similar to what we know as a standard diamond plate with a cutting matrix bonded to metal surface, or is it more like a traditional water stone but with diamond cutting matrix mixed with a binder to create a solid mass?

Can you compare the course and fine grits to other stones so we can get an idea of what stones they might replace?

Sounds spendy, but if they can be a two-stone solution and last significantly longer than a typical water stone, then there's a lot of value in that.
They are more on the side of traditional stones (but slightly different)... not diamonds plated on a surface. They dont need to be flattened because they wear super slow.

The grits i'm thinking about are 1000 and 6000 for the time being. there are other options i may consider, but these seem to work well together and the 1k is fast enough to get the job done when i need it to.
also, just to mention it so you guys have an idea of how much i've thought this through... i've spent a few thousand dollars on this stone type over the last two years testing various types. There are some that i continue to use in my personal lineup that i think are some of the most amazing stones i've ever used (and i'm continuing to test new ones all of the time). However, many of the stones i have right now would easily run $400+ for a single stone (i have quite a few synthetics that ran me over $600). The reason i asked about this set is that i potentially have an opportunity to provide very good stones of this type at an amazing price compared to what i normally get.

Also, for those thinking about the flattening part, the absolute maximum worst possible unflat situation these stones would see would be 1mm of difference from the highest spot to the lowest... and that would take you well over a year of every day use to get that way. Even in 3 years, mine arent that way. It would have to be through gross misuse.
For a professional that sharpens multiple knives, at least weekly, this seems like a dream stone. For someone on a budget and never spent more that $130 on a set of stones, there is a defenite leap of faith needed by the buyer.
They are more on the side of traditional stones (but slightly different)... not diamonds plated on a surface. They dont need to be flattened because they wear super slow.

The grits i'm thinking about are 1000 and 6000 for the time being. there are other options i may consider, but these seem to work well together and the 1k is fast enough to get the job done when i need it to.

INteresting choice of grits .... I purchased the Naniwa Diamond series 1,000 and 6,000 grit just for the single bevel knives as no levelling required. Just some clean up which I use a broken fine stone.

This removes the hernia of levelling exercise and saves time . But there is very little feedback from the plate . It gets the job done fast. I wld recommend such a plate of 1,000 grit for the Hollow side of the knife (ura) and as for teh curved side.. i am not too particular as my regular slightly concave stones can do.. unless I need precision and full control say it is a new knife.

It is really thin.. like a plate and mounted on aluminium backing

yeah... these have significantly better than the naniwa. In fact, i gave up on diamond stones after the naniwa... it took me until a craftsman in japan had me try the one he uses before i decided to give this type of stone another shot.

These two particular stones are not the best in terms of feedback compared to some that i use, but they arent bad either.

*as a side note, for some reason, all of the manufacturers that i've seen make very similar looking stones... kind of frustrating... its forced me to mark stones on the sides so that i can keep track of what is what
Sounds very interesting to me, but what am I going to do with that diamond flattening plate I just bought from you? :slaphead:
Sound like a dream setup for house stones, though I prefer a little extra width than the standard stone size.
Sounds awsome, but I personally would prefer to buy them a la carte rather than having to buy them together... For me, would really love to have the lower grit stone, but will likely have little use for the higher grit one. I like your Aoto too much. :)
Now that you've described it more, I remember you showing me one a while back, and telling a bit about it and how expensive it was...

Since I recently purchased my new Gesshin stone line-up, it's kinda hard to think about spending another $300+ on stones that would be redundant in some ways. That's almost another knife... well maybe half-way to another knife... Not to say that I'm not interested - I love the new things you come out with, and if you're serious about bringing these to market, then they've got to be good.

Just thinking out loud, I can see these being very useful for people who work in a pro environment and have to bring their kit with them. I've often said that the Shapton GS are a good consideration for someone in this situation because they are splash-n-go, cut really quickly, don't need to be dried, and are thin and light therefore easy to carry. But they have down sides - the aesthetic finish isn't great, they are very hard, and not consistent from grit to grit where some of them glaze over. The only down side I see to your new diamond stones for this situation is they may be heavy. Since they wear so slowly, maybe make a thinner version for traveling?

btw - when these do need flattening, how do you do it? With another diamond plate, or will these eat through it?
Sounds really cool, but WELL beyond my means. Hell, I haven't even spent that much on a knife lol. Still seems like an amazing stone
I'm interested but I would have more use for an even coarser one instead of the fine one.
Sounds intriguing. I really liked the edge I got from an extra-extra fine DMT plate, but not the deep scratching and rough looking finish. I would probably give these a shot based on Jon's enthusiasm and endorsement.

Does the diamond leave relatively more bite than a regular synthetic of the same grit? 6K is beyond where I usually like to go, any chance of something slightly coarser, say 4K? Or does this stone leave an edge that still feels nicely aggressive?
I take it that this is not my beginner's setup? Or any beginner?
Jon, since I have JUST got a 3 stone Gesshin setup I would not be able to order too soon for financial reasons, but YES - I would be very interested in a 2 stone (it could even be a combination stone - my actual preference) setup that would alow me to put a good edge on whatever dull knife I would get my hands on - so the medium grit should be "rough enough" so to speak. The main use for this stone combo would be sharpening knives of family mebers or friends when I am visiting them - so that I could keep my (mostly soaking) stones at home.

I would be VERY interested on a pass-around and would gladly pay for the shipping to Europe to test such a stone setup.
I'm guessing that these are not currently listed on the web site, so maybe you could post a short video hi-lighting the attributes of said stones. Also if these are to be a limited production run,
how about an option for a Jumbo pair along the lines of the EX LG. 1K gesshin but with a much tougher matrix
Sorry if I missed it, but do they cut at the same rate throughout their life and just get smaller like a regular synthetic stone? Or do they start to cut more slowly as they wear like a DMT plate?

Would one of the special naguras come with the stones?

Thank you.