Villain Arc
Looking to restart this search as a recent lead fell through and direct is still backed up.
Highly preferred if it hasn't been used or if used, not sharpened or stropped.
I'm strictly looking for a yo-Denka (no wa); no Isamitsu blades as I don't like their tsuchime aesthetic.
The level of wabi-sabi isn't super important to me as long as there aren't any glaring issues (e.g. overgrind heaven) as I plan on eventually giving it a full spa treatment.
~ Thanks KKF!
Highly preferred if it hasn't been used or if used, not sharpened or stropped.
I'm strictly looking for a yo-Denka (no wa); no Isamitsu blades as I don't like their tsuchime aesthetic.
The level of wabi-sabi isn't super important to me as long as there aren't any glaring issues (e.g. overgrind heaven) as I plan on eventually giving it a full spa treatment.
~ Thanks KKF!