It's essentially about abrasion resistance. The usual suspects, with large chromium carbides, are little fun: Krupp's 4116, Chromova by Global, soft stainless cladding. Not only slow, but loading your stone, and a gummy feeling.
Good VG-10 is quite abrasion resistant. But not unpleasant. Start coarse.
As for the carbons, the differences are very small. Aogami Super may take a bit more time than others. Take a coarser stone to start with. Can't say I've ever noticed much difference between a C60 Sab @56Rc and an Aogami#2 @62Rc.
Stainless with small carbides, AEB-L, 14C28N aren't very different from carbons in this respect. With a poor HT AEB-L may feel gummy as well.
As you see, it's not that different from what you experience when sharpening.