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    • KBert
      KBert reacted to Desert Rat's post in the thread The Washita Thread with Like Like.
      That's friggen awesome Legion! I have been looking for that combo for what seems forever. I thought some of you sharpening geeks might...
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to dchang21's post in the thread Colatura di Alici with Like Like.
      an update on this. i threw in a bit if fish guts recently and i think it would improve the color more with more guts. the smell is just...
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to Gshep91's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Adonis just dropped 4 knives, nothing for the big gyuto fans though
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to Yoshi's post in the thread bikes bikes bikes with Like Like.
      Don't own any Damascus knives, but at least I've got a pair of Damascus Shimano RC7 lol
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to nhb22's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Do you remember the prices of those two?
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to dragjp's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Oh good point, the price says it includes sales tax, so likely the real cost would be even lower. Regrets...
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to Metallicats44's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      The shown prices were the prices before tax.. taxes depended on what country they’re shipped to. Loved that wrought one!! 😍
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to dragjp's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      Gonna put it under radar, thank you enabler!
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to nhb22's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      I have had two and still have one. His knives are pretty good especially if you can get one below $1,000
    • KBert
      KBert replied to the thread Knife findings.
      Yes, similar to my recollection. 😄 I guess you can switch the currency to USD without tax?
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to dragjp's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      950 and 815 USD irrc. And I'm seriouly considering to move my meetings after 10am as well 😅
    • KBert
      KBert replied to the thread Knife findings.
      Not exactly, but around 900 EUR isch. The first maybe 950 or so and the second 875? Definitely both below 1k EUR (including tax).
    • KBert
      KBert replied to the thread Knife findings.
      Unfortunate, that one was one of the 2 still available. The 2nd one sold pretty much within the first minute.
    • KBert
      KBert reacted to xsmx13's post in the thread Knife findings with Like Like.
      A couple Joel Black gyuto up...
    • KBert
      KBert replied to the thread Knife findings.
      2 left from the Hangler drop:
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