Impossible for me to verify, but I've read multiple times on KKF that the kono hd2 is actually made by Ashi hamono. So if that's true, then the hd2 is basically a semistainless version of the ashi ginga with some minor F&F upgrades (eased spine/choil?). But the ginga is a wonderful knife and nothing to sneeze at, especially with the friendlier price point.
A relevant anecdote. When i first got into jknives, i remember that Jon at JKI was kind enough to talk me through a similar dilemma. I was curious about lasers and wanted his opinion on the ginga vs. the hd2 vs. the suisin inox honyaki vs. the tadatsuna. He basically said look, you would be happy with any of them. It's like picking a puppy from a litter, he said. You'll love it regardless. The differences are extremely minor and come down to personal idiosyncratic preference.
So as for the kono hd2 vs the ashi ginga, i really think that your decision should be guided by availability and price point. Western handle vs. wa handle, stainless vs. high carbon. Find the configuration that best matches what you're looking for, and if it's available, pull that trigger. You won't regret it and if you do, it should be easy to rehome any of those knives here on BST.