Hello All,
With my last order of steel I picked up one 2"x36"x.100" bar of CPM-M4, which is enough for two 240mm gyuto and one 295mm gyuto. The first 240mm gyuto is nearly finished and should be posted in the next week or so. The other two I will complete in the following month or so.
They'll all be hardened to 64hrc, brought to a 320 grit hand finish, and have .1mm edges before sharpening. I haven't decided on handles, but I'm leaning towards simple octagonal scorched oak for the 240's, (similar to the light 243mm AEB-L gyuto I had listed that has recently sold), and either ebony or maple for the 295mm, for the sake of counter balance.
This steel is an absolute bear to work with, but I've heard very good things about it's performance and I'm looking forward to presenting a few knives made from it to all of you.
Have an excellent day!
With my last order of steel I picked up one 2"x36"x.100" bar of CPM-M4, which is enough for two 240mm gyuto and one 295mm gyuto. The first 240mm gyuto is nearly finished and should be posted in the next week or so. The other two I will complete in the following month or so.
They'll all be hardened to 64hrc, brought to a 320 grit hand finish, and have .1mm edges before sharpening. I haven't decided on handles, but I'm leaning towards simple octagonal scorched oak for the 240's, (similar to the light 243mm AEB-L gyuto I had listed that has recently sold), and either ebony or maple for the 295mm, for the sake of counter balance.
This steel is an absolute bear to work with, but I've heard very good things about it's performance and I'm looking forward to presenting a few knives made from it to all of you.
Have an excellent day!
![20220319_165909[1].jpg 20220319_165909[1].jpg](https://cdn.imagearchive.com/kitchenknifeforums/data/attach/160/160415-20220319-165909-1-.jpg)