Anyone use this stone yet?

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Dave Martell

Forum Founder
Founding Member
Feb 27, 2011
Reaction score
Airville, PA

I heard it's hard. :D
If it cuts for more than four hours do you have to call someone?
Can you use it dry or needs lubricant?
on a serious note, i've tried the entire series of **** stones and they are actually mostly on the soft side

i bought the first one just because of the name for sure though. I saved the box :)
Offense (spell it right!) was caused by removing it.
Well... paraphrasing, I was expressing relief that these stones were reported as not being too hard :)

You made me check. FWIW tells me that offence and offense are interchangeable but offense is used more commonly in USA, offence outside of USA, which probably accounts for the spelling differences.
Theres this magic blue slurrypowder that works great with these stones. Its supposed to feel even harder with it and you can grind for hours, nonstop. Thought I dont have first hand experience about that, just heard it from friend of a friend...