Cris Anderson - 1-15-21 Update

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Feb 28, 2011
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NoVa (US)
Cris Anderson has posted on IG. Here is his feed:


Back order knives are FINALLY going out in the order they were received. I have 8 remaining (including this in process trio...the completed knives pictured have shipped over the last two weeks). If you have an outstanding order please contact me at Cris Anderson 27 at Gmail. All prior communications were lost with my business web-email (I do have an order list). Please put "Knife Order" as the subject. In the body include the knife you ordered, a best contact phone number, and whatever email it was paid for with (if different than the contacting email). Also include if you would prefer a refund, which will be processed once the knife is made and sold. I will confirm receipt, then be in contact once your blade is ready for handling (or if I need any other clarification/information).

My deepest apologies for the absolutely unacceptable delay. Its been a rough 14 months to say the least. "
Also include if you would prefer a refund, which will be processed once the knife is made and sold.

I have no orders with him. I do however, find the above statement rather confusing.
He's saying he needs to finish and sell the knife to someone else first to make money for the refund.
Curious as to whether folks who have outstanding orders have received their knives and/or refunds yet. Just noticed he was selling blades on IG.
I still have outstanding project knife...I do think some prepays have been filled
Good news….I just received my back ordered knife from Cris…
he fully intends on delivering any outstanding orders…
can contact him at [email protected]….or his Instagram page..
quick review. Knife arrives in a very slick box that is the best packaging I have received from any knife maker… rounded/eased edges are very well done…mirror polished smooth… profile great..
handle had great angles and very comfortable in the hand… the cutting performance ranks with the very best of the makers…I have a few that cut as well but many that fall well short of this knife….
i have to say that in spite of the situation that sucked, he came thru
and made good…. If you are in line for one, you will love it…
all’s good by me….
Political statements shouldn't be part of a business, either. As a business owner myself, I think it's completely unacceptable to be willing to turn away a large percentage of the population simply because they believe something different than you. If a business is arrogant enough to think they don't need these people's business, regardless of how outlandish their beliefs may be, than they don't need mine either.

Edit - only reason why I'm willing to put my 2 cents in is because I feel strongly about this. These past couple years have brought a lot of loonies out, especially here in FL. It astounds me how many vehicles I see advertising their business, along with a bunch of political stickers.
You had a valid point in that Chris has been the only one who has gotten in a hole as a smith and then actually made his way out of it. He is a man of his word. Few are these days.
While deleted, I did preface by saying that it was good to see him honoring his orders. I don’t have to agree with his very public activity outside of bladesmithing, nor do I have to equate those activities to politics. When you do things that are in the public eye, people are entitled to form their opinions.

Maybe I should have kept my opinion to myself (sorry mods), so I’ll leave it that I’m happy for @KJDedge and anyone else who will be getting what they paid for.
Political statements shouldn't be part of a business, either. As a business owner myself, I think it's completely unacceptable to be willing to turn away a large percentage of the population simply because they believe something different than you. If a business is arrogant enough to think they don't need these people's business, regardless of how outlandish their beliefs may be, than they don't need mine either.

Edit - only reason why I'm willing to put my 2 cents in is because I feel strongly about this. These past couple years have brought a lot of loonies out, especially here in FL. It astounds me how many vehicles I see advertising their business, along with a bunch of political stickers.
eh, as a business owner it should be his right (see what I did there? :D ) to decide if he wants to be vocal about his pinions/ leanings. Your opinion about whether or not businesses should indicate anything but neutrality is just that -- your opinion. To me, the worst is when a business owner HAS a strong opinion, but outwardly projects being neutral.

BTW, 'outlandish beliefs' means you passed judgment, and obviously his beliefs are different than yours. You obviously feel it is okay to not just decide not to do business with him, but to 'call him out' here. Which is fine, free speech and all of that. But in the end (in my opinion) that isn't any better than what you condemn him for doing.
I was using the term "outlandish beliefs" in reference to what his followers would believe in contrast with what he believes. So it would be outlandish to him. I definitely don't care, and this is getting old quick, but I stand by the fact that business matters and personal matters should be separate. If you use your business to advertise your beliefs, it's not a business anymore, it's a cry for attention.
Hey now, you just outed all the major religions ;)

And more seriously, 3/4s of the restaurants in Washington, DC. Many had to post their 'beliefs' in order to not be harassed by the marchers/ protesters.
Hey now, you just outed all the major religions ;)
Hah! Can’t argue with that. Have you seen the Gemstones?

As for DC, yeah that sucks. A lot of stuff sucks right now. Which is why when I’m trying to buy a knife… I don’t want to be reminded of it all!!
I was using the term "outlandish beliefs" in reference to what his followers would believe in contrast with what he believes. So it would be outlandish to him. I definitely don't care, and this is getting old quick, but I stand by the fact that business matters and personal matters should be separate. If you use your business to advertise your beliefs, it's not a business anymore, it's a cry for attention.

It's generally fine if people running businesses advertise their beliefs and its also fine if you don't buy from them because of their advertised beliefs. There are situations in which I appreciate businesses advertising their beliefs, e.g. if they're showing that they are welcoming to marginalized groups. I'd appreciate it if businesses didn't spread hate propaganda or misinformation, but by and large it's hard to legislate in a way that defines such things exactly, and going overboard with such legislation seems like a bad idea. If your argument is that he's shooting himself in the foot, yea maybe, idk, but it seems like it's important to him to tell the world what he believes, and that’s fine. 🤷‍♂️
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Well it's been a few years since the US has unified against another country, and nature abhors a vacuum, so hate, mistrust, etc. turned it all inward. But now that Russia is back up at the plate it looks like the 25+ year long rain delay is over and we can, hopefully, get back to the original game. :D
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Thank you Wildboar, for sharing my update here. Things still aren't in the clear...and my shop situation is less than ideal...but I'm working on it...and still working hard to get these orders out.

To once and for all (and finally...I will not engage in any discussion that appears combative, nor will I do this again) clear up the apparent issue people have with my personal...yes personal...politics and/or beliefs.

First, you clearly don't know me. You see what I may post on Facebook, and judge it with your own bias...then make decisions about me and who I must be. That's fine, and is well within your rights.

But let me square something up.

I hate no one based on their religious beliefs (one of the kindest, most gentle and humble human beings I know is literally a self proclaimed Satanist, I'm not kidding). I actively and happily engage with anyone of any religious belief...on any topic, as long as that engagement can be held respectfully, or at least neutrally (there's a big hint in that last part).

I hate no one for their race...period. I may disagree with their actions based on their chosen expression (as much my right as it is yours to disagree with me), and may actively disagree with policy I personally deem divisive and counter to moving forward together...but every person who comes to me is taken on an individual basis. Race is irrelevant for me. The same goes for gender, gender identity (I'm currently working closely with an engineer on a project who identifies...well, I'm not sure what they identify as...but they keep exclaiming on how different I am than they expected. I get a lot of that and I'm ok with it), or sexuality.

I hate no one based on their political beliefs. A good 40-50% (maybe more) of my friends and family are as liberal as is possible while still being of the same human race as I am, lol. I love them all dearly, respect their right to choose their own reality and live by it, and would fight and die for their continued right to do so. The big thing for me, is they give me the same respect (this is the key...I will not be forced into someone else's belief system, or behavior I would not force them into mine). These people are part of my PERSONAL world, they've chosen to judge me worthy of their love and respect, and I've done the same for them...because in the end, their politics aren't relevant to me any more than their religion or lack of, race, or sexuality.

There seems to be some's hard for me to tell since it's been edited but I've heard rumors to how I handle my business and customers. I have never, ever...EVER turned someone away for any of the above, or any other reason. If somehow a discussion of those topics arose, I would respond exactly as I have here. Honestly and respectfully. If I stumbled on their facebook page and found that their beliefs are diametrically opposed to mine, I would (and have many times...most people in this industry are left leaning) smile and move on. I've been welcomed into the home of, shared food with, and sat to dinner with the Pepins (the Jacques Pepin clarify...incredibly liberal family! They have photos with the Obamas) and loved every moment of it. They are AMAZING HUMAN BEINGS!! We actually discussed politics to some depth, civilly and with mutual respect. They taught me to saber champagne with my own knife lol. We're still friends on Facebook.

My point here is simply that while some people in this thread and the last one that was closed seemed to imply or outright state that I don't need any given person's business...or turn customers away based on differences, or actively hate ANYONE for those same's simply untrue. In addition...while I'm certainly vocal on my personal business IS 100% neutral, as it should be in my opinion...and I'm sure you'd be surprised just how much that applies to my personal life as well. I will proudly and passionately state my beliefs...and then listen to you while you tell me yours. I will share my home with you, treat you with kindness in respect if you're sharing yours with me...and avoid sensitive topics out of mutual respect. If someone wants to search out my personal life and judge me for it, more power to them. I will gladly make them the same knife, of the same quality, with the same dedication, love, respect, and heart...that I would my own family.

In closing, I hope that clears up this honestly somewhat unseemly judgment of me and my character based on an outsider's view of my personal politics. Judge my failure to meet my commitments (there have certainly been plenty of those in the last two years or so)...judge the quality of my work! Judge my personal interaction with you in/on any venue. But if you choose to judge me personally without knowing me based on your own understanding of what you think I'm saying on Facebook of all're actually no different than you're claiming I am.

Now, can we please get back to my knives? That's really all that should matter when it comes to business and our common interests isn't it?
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