Deba Uraoshi at tip?

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Recoil Rob

Jul 14, 2020
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I'm working on a Miyabi for Morimoto stainless deba that was marketed by Henckels some years ago.
I'm setting the uraoshi (this knife had none to speak of) starting with a 300# King stone. I'm doing fine except at the very tip. The tip must have been beveled in because it will not develop uraoshi unless I lift the handle and follow the bevel.

I suppose I could continue to grind but this would be removing a lot of steel.

Suggestions? (Besides "you should have bought a better knife"...)

The best way to fix that tip (on softer steels) is to go back and forth between hammering the tip most of the way straight, and working on more grinding at the stones to get it flat. Hammer - stones - hammer - stones etc, till it looks right.

The uraoshi is supposed to be a tiny thing, taking up a small fraction of the surface area of that face - maybe 1 mm or so on either side. Your uraoshi is looking mighty big. Are you planning on going back to grind out the urasuki?

Lift the handle as little as possible as you progress through the grits to get it to look like the rest of the knife, use it, dont sharpen the tip again by lifting the handle, just sharpen the ura completely flat from then on.
I wouldn't know how to grind out the urasuki so I think I'll try a bit of hammering and then just lift the handle if need be.