Finishing stone for stainless, 2021 edition

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May 24, 2019
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There are many threads on finishing stones, but opinions are always evolving, and I would like to hear your latest thoughts.

What in your opinion provides the best balance of a sharp, toothy, durable edge for quality (semi)stainless steels like sg2, ginsan, aebl, skd, etc?

Currently on my short list of interest:
gesshin synthetic natural
gesshin 4k soaker (why is this one so pricey?)
i really like the 3 and 4k glass. the kitayama 4k is nice too but its slower to use.
some people like to stop lower though, and some want higher. its all personal.
Shapton Glass 4k for splash and go
Gesshin 4k for soaker stone

This. And SG4K and G6K for carbon.

Because it is the best stone in existence!! Idk, really. Guess it's harder to make than some?

I usually finish stainless a bit lower, and always finish nice carbons on the Gesshin 4k.

G2K is best stone in existence. G4K not far behind it.
This. And SG4K and G6K for carbon.

G2K is best stone in existence. G4K not far behind it.

daveb - for stainless the JKI diamond plates seem (for me anyway) to give the best edge (the 1K) as described by the OP "sharp, toothy, duable edge" / I believe (could be wrong) that you have these as well so 2nd opinion. I picked up Jon/JKI 3K splash-n-go as well for a bit of slurry and it does a great job as well on the variety of stainless/semi I have used it on (I wouldn't say better than the diamond plates though).

I haven't used the 2K or the 4K ....

My $0.02