Hello From the San Francisco Bay Area

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Aug 26, 2014
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It's good to be back in the world of knives. I was active on the kitchen forum at Knifeforums back in 2007-2009 or so, using the same log-in name. I notice only a few of the same people posting here but, if anyone remembers me and sees this, please say hi. In 2009, like a lot of people, money got a bit tight and I also had all the knives and stones I could justify and take care of. Without anything new to buy, I moved back to other interests. Recently, I went back to knifeforums and found it had become a desert. Luckily, I found this site.

I took a one day class with Dave Martell years ago and, with that good start, have gotten better at keeping my knives sharp but, due to back problems, simple sharpening was all I could manage. Now, much better, I'm trying to take sharpening to the next level - really looking at the blades, correcting old mistakes, doing serious thinning, etc. I've thinned and dropped the angles on a clunker Moritaka gyuto that I'm using as a project knife, figuring that I never use it anyway so no loss if I screw it up. It now cuts as well as my Carters which are the best edges I've had. I'm going to see how far I can take it.

The only knives I'm interested in buying in the near future would be some mid-level ones from American custom makers, if I'm lucky enough to land them. I have a lot of Japanese knives and not enough money for true customs. Sorry to be a bit long winded Just saying hi, I'm here didn't seem like enough.

Welcome to the Knut House, glad to have you :)
Welcome Steve

FWIW I remember you from KF. You owned a particularly nice (rehandled) Yoshikane SKD gyuto if my memory serves me correctly?
Thanks Tim, you've got a great memory. I still have the Yoshikane and still love it. The handle is one of Stefan's earliest ones. Even when he was just starting out he made great handles. I bought that one already handled and also bought two handles from him that I have on a Carter Nakiri and a Carter Funayuki.
Hey Steve, I thought I recognized the name ;) As you can see, a few old folks are still hanging around here also ;)

Hi Stefan,

Thanks for remembering. I feel like I've been gone a long time but suddenly my love of kitchen knives has come back. Your handles are on three of my favorite knives and they still give me great pleasure every time I use them.

Thanks Dave. I actually found this site by googling you to see where you ended up when I realized you were no longer posting in the kitchen forum on Knifeforums.

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