Help.....slightly bent tip

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Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2016
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My wife managed to put a very small bend
In the tip of her new Haburn Gyuto...
Can barely see with naked eye but it catches
On a dry towel ...what's the best way to fix this?
I am a beginner to stone sharpening but making
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Usually you work from the spine with a coarse stone. You may round the spine as well. Very little work.
After that a normal sharpening.
I like Dave's idea, but if it's very small , you can probably deal with it by slightly elevating the knife tip and putting it to a 1000 grit stone to gently grind the bent section enough so it doesn't grab any more. A picture would help.
I had to do this to a Tesshu wa-petty I bought from B/S/T.

Using a fine stone (~5000 grit), place the side of the blade that has the bend flat on the stone and apply light pressure with the ball of your thumb directly over the tip and work the side of the blade. With a bend that small, it won't take long, so check your progress after every two or three strokes.

Expect that you will scratch up Ian's nice finish, though.

daveb and others are right. The tip is now in the wrong spot. Starting from the spine put it in a flat spot and sharpen to that point. You can't really ruin it believe me. Do it before 05beer oclock. :cool2: