Hi from Arkansas

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Dec 15, 2021
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Been following the r/chefknives subreddit for about a year. Now coming here for knowledge about rabbit hole that is japanese natural stones, as well as more in-depth discussions of knives, sharpening, and setups. Excited to learn more!
Hey, thanks for the welcome!

@HumbleHomeCook I remember using an Arkansas natural that my grandfather gave me when I was just a kid. Unsurprisingly, results weren't stellar; I had no idea what I was doing. I've been thinking of trying again for my pocket knives, as I have gotten better at freehand sharpening. Most of them are modern super steels (S30, S90, CPM-3V, etc), and I've heard even synthetic whetstones are very slow.
Hey, thanks for the welcome!

@HumbleHomeCook I remember using an Arkansas natural that my grandfather gave me when I was just a kid. Unsurprisingly, results weren't stellar; I had no idea what I was doing. I've been thinking of trying again for my pocket knives, as I have gotten better at freehand sharpening. Most of them are modern super steels (S30, S90, CPM-3V, etc), and I've heard even synthetic whetstones are very slow.

I wouldn't use an Ark for those high-alloy steels. Novaculite is much softer than the vanadium carbides they contain.

Diamonds/CBN stones are friend for those.

But, for when appropriate, you definitely have strong Arkansas supporters here such as @cotedupy and @stringer.

I don't know that is where I would start if you're just beginning to build a sharpening kit but don't dismiss them as you go either.
Welcome and love Arkansas. Worked in Camden area back around 1991. Wanna take my family to visit one day!