Insult to Injury, Not a good year

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My best wishes go out to you. There has been an upsurge of home-robberies here in WA state and all over the country as well. Everyone should be well aware of that.

Better health to you and a better new year.
Do enjoy the cupcakes :)

Best of luck to you and hope your health issues are behind u. Wish u were in my state, then I could help look for that stuff and the thieves.
Son,, my friend. Im so sorry to hear this, That SUCKS!!!

Let me know if theres anything, I mean anything I can do to help brother!

Giving us some info on the stuff that missing could be a good way to catch the thief. Searching ebay and the forums etc....

Sorry about the break-in and the recurring health issues - My thoughts and prayers are with you Son, I was wondering if you were out of commission again, didn't see you as much on the site.

Get that renters insurance - it is cheap in the long run. As a landlord, I always push my tenants to get renters insurance. Bad things happen that are out of our control. Having had fires, raccoons eating holes in the roof and rain storms flooding the place, third floor water heaters bursting and flooding two floors below and kicked in doors by jealous boyfriends / significant others - tenants always think that my insurance covers their stuff (it doesn't by the way).

By the way - glad to hear the date went well - concentrate on the positive my friend. Get a list out to us - you know we will keep our eyes open for you. Take care.

be aware of the fact that you'll probably need to get separate insurance for your knives due to their value on the insurance.
Do enjoy the cupcakes :)


I would answer this, but I'm a ......gentleman? yeah, that's it
Thanks, guys for the support. I'm doing fine, surprisingly not even pissed more disappointed than anything. I can let it go and it doesn't bother me near as much as it used too. The knives, most of them were vintage and antiques that I was planning to put towards my restoration projects here on the forum. Now I have to wait a little longer to do what I want to do and that is the is the disappointing thing. Oh, well. I guess I have to be on Indian Time. Things will get done, but not one moment before they need to.
The funny thing is my roommate is a 25 year veteran of the NYPD and they won't help her. I suppose I should get the insurance, but they done took everything I have of
I appreciate the offer, but no care packages please. I have enough to get by and that's all I really need.
Thank you guys very much.
That's ******! I've got the dragonslayers here safe and sound.

It's funny to think, though, how many times in their lives those vintage knives have been stolen. By ********* line cooks on their last day, neighbors, thieves...probably not the first time they have been misappropriated.

Hey, now you get to get back to basics. And maybe excuse a few purchases?
So sorry to hear this happened to you, Son.

Not superstitious, but bad things really do seem to come in threes--you should be DONE! Hoping that the rest of the year makes up for the lousy beginning.
It's annoying that they stole a bunch of rusty looking old knives that would have zero value to anyone other than you and some of us other geeks on here.
Something about a theif that steals something that has no value other than to the owner passes me off extra.

As others have said: at least your dragon slayers where away, your knife roll was at work and no one was home. Also, a few of the really nice pieces had found legitimate new homes with forum members right before the burglary.

Your health and the people in your life are worth so much more than knives or any other thing. So a tuned-up ticker and a hot new romance to use it on certainly outweigh the bad.

Glad to hear that life is looking up from here out. If you won't take care packages, how about pass-arounds? Now might be a good time to play with someone else's toys. I'll send you a list if you're interested, pick what sounds interesting and then ill start a sign-up for the rest of the group.
Those knives are probably worth a couple of dollars on the street, and as they're chefs knives people have a "good reason" to have them in the house.
I'll add my 2 cents worth of sympathy as well. At least you still have tools to work with, small comfort that may be. I was going to offer to send a knife but that seems well covered. I'm getting ready to do the scrimshaw on the hippo fang!
I'll add my 2 cents worth of sympathy as well. At least you still have tools to work with, small comfort that may be. I was going to offer to send a knife but that seems well covered. I'm getting ready to do the scrimshaw on the hippo fang!

fang is a great name!
Awe man, I was just going to recommend the now famous "shotgun" thread. Screw the shotgun... I want a roomba with a knife now.

Wouldnt have helped if he wasnt home. Son I am sorry to hear about everything. Atleast you are doing well and no one was hurt. Things can be replaced, but lives cant.
Get one of these Robot2.jpg

that looks like thisRobot1.jpg

programmed to do NINJA.
Sick to hear of your recent theft. Speaking as a criminology major and developing sociobiologist, I can tell you that 50-60% of burglery victims know their attackers. Keep watch, and some of that material will turn up-they knew what they were after. I don't suppose you kept the ipl address unique to that laptop? btw, PM sent.

Hax the Cook CLEAVERS RULE!!! :D
that's just it, I have never met anyone in this neighborhood and have never once had anybody come visit. this isn't the type of neighborhood people want to visit. I always go into the city to meet my friends, because there isn't anything you would want to do here recreation-ally or professionally , except drugs, prostitution, welfare fraud, social security fraud, unemployment fraud, insurance scams, murder, robbery, rape, molestations, arson and a few other things I forgot.

"I don't suppose you kept the ipl address unique to that laptop? "

I don't even know what that is. I am for the most part computer illiterate.
I am not suggesting a person from the neighborhood, I am suggesting a co-worker or business aquaintence, I am sure you know hundreds of people. On the other hand, there ARE high-crime areas in that other 40%. As far as the IPL address-each computer or computer system has an IPL Address-a long number unique to that individual system; it is too late on the lost one but find out the # on any remaining computers or replacements, it is possible to trace backwards if you have this. btw, I am barely IT literate, but there are people at the University I attend that have taught me some. I know just enough about computers to REALLY screw things up! Sorry for your theft.

Hax the Cook CLEAVERS RULE!!! :D
I think you mean IP address, its a unique number assigned to each device connected to a network. They are "unique" because everything connected will have a different number, but it isn't unique enough to help with a stolen computer because it depends on your connection to the internet and is not fixed for any one computer. Log into starbucks internet and your computer will have a new IP address.

There ARE some programs that have to be installed before they get stolen that can do things like monitor the thief's activities on your notebook if he connects to the internet and provide you with his new IP address, among other things. There are always stories of people getting their laptops back this way but I think even that isn't always successful. This is kind of like lojack for computers.

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