JNat recommendation - medium-fine finisher

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Ohira Suita, Okudo Suita, Nakayama Suita or Maruayma Suita.. works all pretty good.
The more vintage and older the stone the better often.
I have no way near the experience with nats as some of the guys here, but I did recently get the aiwattani koppa lvl 3 you considered as well, with tomo nagura, just wanted to point out that the nagura might be able to polish a little as well, this is what my iron cladding looks like with it
The Ohira I have used briefly was lv 3.0 and was definitely not too hard. So if you find an Ohira that is around that hardness you should have no problem.
Thank's guys. Badgertooth was kind enough to set me up with a Maruoyama - can't wait to try it.

I have another basic question. Supose I'm going to sharpen my Toyama (or any other Kasumi knife). It isn't particularly dull or too scratched, I just want to make it sharp and restore the kasumi finish / improve contrast.

My plan is to start on the Gesshin 2000, sharpening only a small area near the edge (1-3mm), and then progress to 1-2 Jnats, working on a larger area (going over the clading for finish / contrast). Does this make sense, or should I also use the Gesshin 2000 on this larger area? I don't want to thin the knife, but maybe the G2k could help flatten the blade and make the job easier for the Jnats, idk...
