So I’ve had success with JNATs on my wide bevels from aogami to ginsan. I would like to use JNATs on my gyutos too but all my gyutos are powder steel Hap 40 and ZDP. For gyuto, I set the bevel with 1k chosera then to 3k chosera then to JNAT. I’ve tried aiiwatani, hideriyama, binsui, Tsushima, and shoubudani with not much luck. Not much feedback from the stone and the edge feels “rolled” like it would if one over polished. I’ve tried with pressure, light pressure, slurry, no slurry. I’ve given up until recently I wanted to give it another try. I have a very soft and fast maruoyama shiro suita on its way I’m excited to try with it.
Has anyone had any success with powder steel and JNATs? Any tips would be appreciated or do those steel and rocks just not go together?
Has anyone had any success with powder steel and JNATs? Any tips would be appreciated or do those steel and rocks just not go together?