I find that jnats compared to synths at the same grit, have a finer edge, since the scratches are usually shallower. However, compared to stropping compounds like diamond or chromium oxide or boron, or linen, the jnats don't get quite the same kind of hair splitting as easy. But I do prefer jnat edges for shaving, then linen if I want more, but I don't like, or feel a need to go past that.
Hmm a standard jnat. . . There isn't one!!! But it depends one what you want. . . argh yeah, more questions than answers. I'd sell you one, or lend you one, but all the ones I have now are ones I'm keeping.
It depends on what grit you want! If you want a butchery edge and medium grit, get an aoto. I'm half/half on recommending the binsui and amakusa, they can be good but are often too hard to quickly use, though they can still polish quite nicely, and give the characteristic kasumi of jnats. They are really cheap though! So if you wanted to try, it's still super legit of a way to do so. I only say avoid because it will take a little effort to get the results you want -- namely you need to use a diamond plate.
I swear there should perhaps be a jnat passaround . . .ugh .