mazaki knives

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They may order them different lengths, don't really know. I've seen them listed as 215, 220 and 245 in the past too. When I bought mine they were listed as 210 and 240. Hell, maybe they just list each batch at the average length they come in at. :confused:
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i just got one today a 240 gyuto. though this one is listed at 250mm which was a big part of the reason i chose to pick one up.
didnt want to post in the JNS thread for this because i got it from cleancut. they also offer a KU version.

i am blown away by it. mind you this is just initial impressions.

profile is not nearly as good as it looks in photo but it's fine and can also be adjusted. but good news it does run long and tall. each flat section is about an inch which is fine because the curve is gradual and not belly. stock starts off fat at the handle but tapers aggressively at the start then gradual taper and then aggressive again at the tip. spine to edge tapering is there as well, quite thin behind the edge as in a lot of meat taken off as you get closer to the edge. because of that it's not hefty feeling yet it kinda does, hard to explain. i would say it's in between a mid and workhorse. from initial cutting (30 seconds) i'd say the grind is fully convex right face, with a very tall wide bevel left face but the shoulder smoothed out, it's pretty good. not watanabe good but it cuts nice. spine and choil are eased quite well, but not rounded. the handle, oh man it's #$%#$%#$^**#& sweet! it looks to me like some kind of cherry wood, D shape and already oil treated, perfectly flush/shaped buffalo horn. this is an extremely good knife, i can't believe it only cost $260 us and arrived in 3 days. i will go on and say this is the best buy out there by far.
too early to really say but this might be replacing my watanabe even. i will comment about the steel once ive used it more and put on stones.




Can you tell me how you were able to order this handle? I do not see anything like this on the site. Are you still enjoying the knife?
So about 3 weeks in, and the 240 gyuto is pretty sweet. I realize everyone isn't hot on the new profile but its working out alright for me so far. Just a few questions/comments:

1. The reactivity/maintenance fear of carbon kind of went out the window with this knife, it wasn't much effort to wipe it down periodically. I also expected things like black onions and metallic tastes but nada. Are these on the low reactivity side?

2. So what 240 gyuto will contrast this knife? Maybe something in aogami 2 but the options are somewhat limited in my criteria.

3. Stupidest note, gave the knife its second sharpening shortly after dinner, I'm pretty gentle with any chopping so I was a little surprised to find a microchip while washing the knife after preparing a paprikash, but I assume a few more sharpenings will stop that, there were no rolled edges, just the single chip. There was a 0% chance of me noticing midway through prep and I'm assuming someone in the house ended up eating it, or soon will in the leftovers. Did I give someone an unfortunate present or do microchips just pass harmlessly?
So about 3 weeks in, and the 240 gyuto is pretty sweet. I realize everyone isn't hot on the new profile but its working out alright for me so far. Just a few questions/comments:

1. The reactivity/maintenance fear of carbon kind of went out the window with this knife, it wasn't much effort to wipe it down periodically. I also expected things like black onions and metallic tastes but nada. Are these on the low reactivity side?
Man, my Mazaki Nashiji is super reactive. I have been super diligent with wiping between uses, and I had rust 3 times already. I live in the Southern US, and it is really humid. This thing will rust as soon as I look away. I think I hate my Mazaki.
So about 3 weeks in, and the 240 gyuto is pretty sweet. I realize everyone isn't hot on the new profile but its working out alright for me so far. Just a few questions/comments:

1. The reactivity/maintenance fear of carbon kind of went out the window with this knife, it wasn't much effort to wipe it down periodically. I also expected things like black onions and metallic tastes but nada. Are these on the low reactivity side?

2. So what 240 gyuto will contrast this knife? Maybe something in aogami 2 but the options are somewhat limited in my criteria.

3. Stupidest note, gave the knife its second sharpening shortly after dinner, I'm pretty gentle with any chopping so I was a little surprised to find a microchip while washing the knife after preparing a paprikash, but I assume a few more sharpenings will stop that, there were no rolled edges, just the single chip. There was a 0% chance of me noticing midway through prep and I'm assuming someone in the house ended up eating it, or soon will in the leftovers. Did I give someone an unfortunate present or do microchips just pass harmlessly?

This new profile works great for me too. Have been using it more or less exclusively since I got it in early June, barely touching my other 240mm Kurosaki. IMO it excels with raw protein, especially after I thinned it above the curved part of the edge. It’s like a gyuto-cleaver so to speak, but it’s quite versatile all round.

I would say it’s quite reactive, so I try to quite wipe it down as much as it’s practical.

I chipped off the tip and the heel very slightly but it was due to my own carelessness. Stabbed it against the stainless steel sink as I was rinsing it and the heel met with a marble top table the following day. I think it was also due to how thin the edge was especially at the heel. But it was easy enough to reestablish the points.

I think a more traditional gyuto profile would give you a different experience, as would the bullnose profile which is quite popular.
Funny about the reactivity, I've had problems with other carbons but my Mazaki has no problems whatsoever with rust.
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Man, my Mazaki Nashiji is super reactive. I have been super diligent with wiping between uses, and I had rust 3 times already. I live in the Southern US, and it is really humid. This thing will rust as soon as I look away. I think I hate my Mazaki.

Funny about the reactivity, I've had problems with other carbons but my Mazaki has no problems whatsoever with rust.

It's funny even reactivity is across the board. As I have no basis for comparison, I'd hesitantly call mine low reactivity, but it's either because I live in a desert, or I'm way more anal about cleaning it than I realize, or the nashiji is just a rust wand.
This new profile works great for me too. Have been using it more or less exclusively since I got it in early June, barely touching my other 240mm Kurosaki. IMO it excels with raw protein, especially after I thinned it above the curved part of the edge. It’s like a gyuto-cleaver so to speak, but it’s quite versatile all round.

I would say it’s quite reactive, so I try to quite wipe it down as much as it’s practical.

I chipped off the tip and the heel very slightly but it was due to my own carelessness. Stabbed it against the stainless steel sink as I was rinsing it and the heel met with a marble top table the following day. I think it was also due to how thin the edge was especially at the heel. But it was easy enough to reestablish the points.

I think a more traditional gyuto profile would give you a different experience, as would the bullnose profile which is quite popular.

Yeah I've been toying with the idea of a yoshikane or ginga, but I just really like my heel height and they are both so short. The cc Hinoura caught my eye as well. But they are all white #2 as well. I guess the only sub $300 blue options i like are the various tanaka or anryu hammered, and the shiro kamo b2 line at cc.
So about 3 weeks in, and the 240 gyuto is pretty sweet. I realize everyone isn't hot on the new profile but its working out alright for me so far. Just a few questions/comments:

1. The reactivity/maintenance fear of carbon kind of went out the window with this knife, it wasn't much effort to wipe it down periodically. I also expected things like black onions and metallic tastes but nada. Are these on the low reactivity side?

2. So what 240 gyuto will contrast this knife? Maybe something in aogami 2 but the options are somewhat limited in my criteria.

3. Stupidest note, gave the knife its second sharpening shortly after dinner, I'm pretty gentle with any chopping so I was a little surprised to find a microchip while washing the knife after preparing a paprikash, but I assume a few more sharpenings will stop that, there were no rolled edges, just the single chip. There was a 0% chance of me noticing midway through prep and I'm assuming someone in the house ended up eating it, or soon will in the leftovers. Did I give someone an unfortunate present or do microchips just pass harmlessly?

Mizuno on sale... great contrast... aogami is superb
It's funny even reactivity is across the board. As I have no basis for comparison, I'd hesitantly call mine low reactivity, but it's either because I live in a desert, or I'm way more anal about cleaning it than I realize, or the nashiji is just a rust wand.
I think it has to do with the humidity. The Southern Tennessee area is a big sweaty mess.
I have a relatively new Mazaki Nakiri Nashiji that I love. I haven’t found it to be reactive at all. I live on Long Island and it’s been very humid the last month. I’m fairly diligent about wiping it down, but I definitely have other knives that start to show much more quickly. It’s also a little bit beefier then other Nakiri’s that I’ve used, which is actually helpful for peppers and other slightly tougher veggies. Just means I need to get another / different Nakiri to compliment.


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So about 3 weeks in, and the 240 gyuto is pretty sweet. I realize everyone isn't hot on the new profile but its working out alright for me so far. Just a few questions/comments:

1. The reactivity/maintenance fear of carbon kind of went out the window with this knife, it wasn't much effort to wipe it down periodically. I also expected things like black onions and metallic tastes but nada. Are these on the low reactivity side?

2. So what 240 gyuto will contrast this knife? Maybe something in aogami 2 but the options are somewhat limited in my criteria.

3. Stupidest note, gave the knife its second sharpening shortly after dinner, I'm pretty gentle with any chopping so I was a little surprised to find a microchip while washing the knife after preparing a paprikash, but I assume a few more sharpenings will stop that, there were no rolled edges, just the single chip. There was a 0% chance of me noticing midway through prep and I'm assuming someone in the house ended up eating it, or soon will in the leftovers. Did I give someone an unfortunate present or do microchips just pass harmlessly?

With the micro chip issue:

I’ve had this problem with one of mine, and I’ve started putting a decent micro edge on them after sharpening (and straight out of the box with new ones) which definitely helps... these are pretty thin behind the edge and need that bit of structure to mitigate damage. I wonder also with the inconsistencies in his volume of work if some are heat treated to the top of the steel’s abilities, I’ve now had two that were off, but I’m no metallurgist, so just speculating.
Do you not have air conditioning or do you leave your knives outside? Just as humid here in KY and no problems with rust on my Mazaki.
Kentucky is about 5 hours North of Memphis. The humidity is nowhere near the same. We have air conditioning and it is still a hundred and ten degrees in the kitchen. You have sweat rolling down your back at 7 a.m.
Is it just me, or does that look completely different from some of the ones from JNS? How tall is that at the heel? Looks shorter at the heel, and with a much(!) flatter profile than mine.
Man... every knife out of that shop is different. My 180 petty actually has that “og- santoku tip” profile. YMMV with Mazaki!
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Moritaka make some Blue 2 although I don't have one myself. Anyone had these knives that could comment?

Also, first Mazaki incoming, 240 gyuto (25o actual) from Cleancut.
I actually have my eye on the same one. Could you post some pix when you get it?
My experiences with my 210 kiritsuke and 240 iron clad polished are extreme reactivity in the 1.5 year period I’ve had them.... just like Chefshamrock, I too love in the Southern US (MS) so idk if this is a major determining factor or not but sometimes mine will rust/patina overnight on super humid days.... oh well, more fun for me eliminating the patina as I mostly live a patina-free lifestyle when I have the time.... I really enjoy refinishing and sharpening mazakis blades in particular as they’re almost an open slate to try things I see on this forum and gives me chances to learn... the iron cladding and core are a pleasure to sharpen and have made me buy a lot of new stones synthetic and natural (yep, blaming the knives)...... though that thought process never makes sense to my wife?!?!
I love this knife. Fit and finish are great, handle is awesome and it just cuts. Nice heft, seems to work for push cuts and rock chop. Put it through a few pounds of steak and some veggies for fajitas and grinned like a moron the whole time.


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Congrats! Both knives look awesome. Love the profile. How thick is it coming out of the handle? Some shots of the distal taper if possible.
I really love that original profile. I would love to find one of those with stainless cladding.
As far as I know, the only Mazaki stainless cladding are the 210mm from Razorsharp. I wish it's 240mm though, but maybe I should get one for my mom to use when she visits (trying to rationalize here ;))
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