Need advice on which sugimoto to get #6, #7 or diferent?

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Nov 14, 2022
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Hy all so from going thought some posts and other forums I have almost decided what I want.

I'm looking for a Chinese cleaver 190mm-220mm. Want to use it in the Home kitchen, meat, veg, fruit, don't want to cut bones with it. Would be nice if it could go thought pumpkins but if it couldn't also not a problem would use my other knife then. Budget around 400-500€
I'm from Europe so it would be awesome if I could avoid high import tax or even better if I could buy it used so I wouldn't have to pay any import tax

At the moment I got my eyes on the Sugimoto cleavers.
My only problems now are that I'm not sure which one to get the #6 or #7 or maybe even a diferent one would be more suitable for me? I know that they can get heavy but thats not a problem. Also if you think there is a better cleaver that would suit my needs please suggest

Also where would be the best place to buy one.
Is black friday a thing in Japan?

Also if you think there are better alternatives to a Sugimoto feel free to suggest me one

I think i got everything 😁

Thank you in advance for your help
You may find the Sugimotos with Contact Mr Iwahara, koki at
Very serious and helpful. Brilliant in avoiding high import taxes, VAT and handling costs when exporting to Europe.
I'd say try some CCK or Shibazi first before investing that much into a single knife, different cleaver size and weight could have very different feel in hand, maybe you would prefer lighter cleaver than the full size Sugimoto or other way around.