New Process video on Bloomberg Business

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Well-Known Member
Oct 18, 2012
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Zach Goldstein from Bloomberg Business came down a few months ago to shoot a video for them. It just came out today. We really appreciated their interest and it was fun to get to know Zach a little bit. I hope you all enjoy!


Bloomberg/Bloodroot Blades
Great video, I think its really well put together and shows every step of making a knife unlike others that skips steps

btw didn't know you had a PHD, very impressive
Great video, I think its really well put together and shows every step of making a knife unlike others that skips steps

btw didn't know you had a PHD, very impressive

Thanks! It does kind of make it look like we're quenching directly into liquid N from the kiln, but that's not the case. . . For a process video that wasn't done by the maker's themselves I thought they did a great job.

I pulled the plug on my Ph.D and don't have one. In the video I was saying that I had been getting one, not that I had it. I was 4 out of 5 years and passed my coursework and comprehensive exams, but I never defended. After I became ABD (all but dissertation) I was offered a faculty job and upon close inspection declined it! It was then that I realized that knifemaking was more important to me than my studies and really what I wanted to do. Don't know why it took me so long. . . ;-)

I remember chatting with you back then about your Ph.D program, etc. Wow. I guess it's been a while now.
great stuff guys :doublethumbsup:
Great video, loved it. And the fact that 5 friends who know I love knives have sent me the link since yesterday, I assume it gets some exposure! Good for you guys! ... Oh wait, does that mean the wait list will get longer??? [emoji15][emoji12][emoji106]🏻
Great video. Best of luck guys in chasing your passion. Your on my bucket list. Long live BloodRoot Blades!
So F'n cool!!! Things absolutely as they should be! Repurposed wood & steel, doesn't get much more sustainable then that. Great video, fellas & an even better business model! :goodpost: :plus1: :doublethumbsup:
Very cool to see your guy's shop and surroundings! I've often wondered what your shop, along with other's as well, looked like. Nice to see where my Bloodroot blade was born.

The Cleave part towards the end reminded me of a line in "so I married and axe murderer"

Excellent video, and I look fwd to my next Bloodroot blade. Come on year +!
I hadn't seen this video until just now. Really well put together and I think it really emphasized the dedication, sustainability and connection both of you guys have to your work. Brought a smile to my face just watching you guys enjoy your profession. Wishing you guys the best!
I recently saw your knives pictured in a fancy leather goods catalog that I randomly receive (I think they were the knives in a knife roll the company sells). They looked great, and it's awesome that you guys find ways to get your knives some good free press.
Thanks Johnny.B.Good! It's nice that they are interested. We've always had great free publicity and it has definitely had a big impact on our business. We probably would have continued in a hobby context if we hadn't been buried under publicity and had to quit our other jobs 4-5 years ago to dig ourselves out of it.