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Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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I was working on the wa handle for my honesuki project yesterday, and decided to slice the handle lengthwise and cut a groove in each half to provide a place for the tang of the blade. The first side was no problem, however I had a small miscalculation on the second half. I now have a nice groove in the side of the middle finger of my left hand.
The good news is that the handle piece was not destroyed so I don't have to start over from scratch!
Moral of the story: power tools are dangerous.
Thanks for the thought! It goes with the foot bone that hasn't healed after 10 weeks. This too shall pass.....................
One day I mind try my hand At a rehandle and I hope I don't lose a finger
They tell me that that it will fill back in! I have converted to almost exclusive hand tool use, butt that blade on the table saw was just the perfect thickness for the slot that I wanted to make..............
ouch! a friend reciently was doing some hardwood flooring for a customer who was sitting on his shoulder, a seconds inattention, he got a nice groove down the center of his middle finger as a reminder. They had to remove some bone, but the plastic surgeon fixed it up nice. He just got no sensation in his finger tip now.
I was working on the wa handle for my honesuki project yesterday, and decided to slice the handle lengthwise and cut a groove in each half to provide a place for the tang of the blade. The first side was no problem, however I had a small miscalculation on the second half. I now have a nice groove in the side of the middle finger of my left hand.
The good news is that the handle piece was not destroyed so I don't have to start over from scratch!
Moral of the story: power tools are dangerous.

Pics or it didn't happen!
It is covered up, butt I could show the meat.......
Just changed the dressing........
Looks like you smashed that other finger not too long ago. Do you enjoy pain?
With a table saw, you are lucky it wasn't much worse! For something as small a piece of knife handle material, table saw doesn't provide enough precision or control. A hand chisel and Dremel tool would be easier.
I completed the cut today on the ts with no drama, doing it the way I should have Monday. This sort of thing can be done safely, but shortcuts are NOT appropriate!
The slot I wanted to cut was too thin for a chisel at 3/32nds, although I could have reground a chisel to do the job.
I completed the cut today on the ts with no drama, doing it the way I should have Monday. This sort of thing can be done safely, but shortcuts are NOT appropriate!
The slot I wanted to cut was too thin for a chisel at 3/32nds, although I could have reground a chisel to do the job.

Haha. Sounds a lot like me. I tend to get just a little bit too keen on finishing what I am doing and I end up doing stupid things or doing things the stupid way that sets me back a lot more time than it would take to do it slowly and correct the first time :D Slashed fingers, cracked handles, broken drill bits... you name it.

After many years of making custom jewelry I learned to have the patients to do things correctly, one step at a time, but every now and then....................
Progress on the peoject. The hadle is assembled, now I'm cutting the bevels with a plane that I built. It takes such smooth cuts that there is no tear out.

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nice picture and bench
can't wait to see the end result.
Thanks! I have a jug of anti-scale compound coming Monday and will be able to heat treat the blade then.
Wow, torn up finger....yet the project goes on, as do the forum post. That is some serious dedication. Kudos, hope it heals fast.
Thanks, butt it is only one finger! It's the broken foot bone that is slowing me down the most. Gotta keep busy, dontcha' know!