Well-Known Member
So, this is my second week using a straight razor, and I'm loving it. I'm practicing with a $6 Gold Dollar razor, and it's shaving surprisingly well off my Naniwa Gouken Kagayaki 12k stone. I’ve been honing every other day just for the sake of practice since I’m not worried about wearing down this cheap razor. I’ve also been experimenting with different compounds like Gunny Juice 1 micron and DMT Dia Spray 0.5 microns. After trying them out, I realized that it’s actually better not to use any compound for straight razor shaving after the 12k stone. While the compounds work great on my kitchen knives, for straight razors, they seem to take away the 12k edge and make the blade less forgiving.
Today, I shaved straight off the 12k and then went directly to leather, and it was amazing. The edge felt smooth on every pass, and I never felt like it was going to cut me, even against the grain. Sometimes, when I use diamond spray, the edge can feel sketchy at certain angles, especially if I'm not super careful.
But anyway, this post is really about comparing Jnats, Coticules, and synthetic stones. My shaves have been really good off the Naniwa 12k, but I keep hearing that Coticules are better and that Jnats are a step above both. I like my 12k stone and the shaves I get from it, but I’m wondering if it’s worth saving up for a Coticule or Jnat, especially since I was already planning on saving for a 20k Suehiro, which I’ve read gives an unbelievable shave. That stone costs around $300, though, so I figure if I’m spending that much, I might as well skip the Coticule and go straight for a Jnat. I know there’s a huge variety of Jnats out there, but it seems like anyone who has an Ozuku Jnat is really happy with it, and it’s often talked about like the Ferrari of Jnats for razor.
So, what are your thoughts on Jnats, Synthetics, and Coticules? Which one do you think is the best?
For context, here’s my current honing progression:
Today, I shaved straight off the 12k and then went directly to leather, and it was amazing. The edge felt smooth on every pass, and I never felt like it was going to cut me, even against the grain. Sometimes, when I use diamond spray, the edge can feel sketchy at certain angles, especially if I'm not super careful.
But anyway, this post is really about comparing Jnats, Coticules, and synthetic stones. My shaves have been really good off the Naniwa 12k, but I keep hearing that Coticules are better and that Jnats are a step above both. I like my 12k stone and the shaves I get from it, but I’m wondering if it’s worth saving up for a Coticule or Jnat, especially since I was already planning on saving for a 20k Suehiro, which I’ve read gives an unbelievable shave. That stone costs around $300, though, so I figure if I’m spending that much, I might as well skip the Coticule and go straight for a Jnat. I know there’s a huge variety of Jnats out there, but it seems like anyone who has an Ozuku Jnat is really happy with it, and it’s often talked about like the Ferrari of Jnats for razor.
So, what are your thoughts on Jnats, Synthetics, and Coticules? Which one do you think is the best?
For context, here’s my current honing progression:
- 1k Suehiro Cerax (to set the bevel)
- 3k Naniwa Chosera
- 8k Shapton Glass
- Naniwa Gouken Kagayaki 12K (This stone is basically the same as the Naniwa 12k Super Stone, just a newer series that's cheaper. People on Blade & Bagger forums say it gives the same results, and some even say it’s better, but since I don’t own both, I can only tell you this is a great 12k stone.)