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Founding Member
Feb 28, 2011
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An example of why I hold the Japanese in high regard was shown in the newspaper earlier this week. Ichiro Suzuki was traded to the New York Yankees by Seattle, and the next day he led off the batting order for New York against Seattle in Seattle. The crowd gave him a standing ovation and he removed his hat and bowed to the crowd. A great show of respect from the fans and from the the player. That is my idea of sportsmanship!
Yeah too bad he went to the evil empire aka the dark side.
Seattle has a way of sending good players somewhere else.......
Seattle has a way of sending good players somewhere else.......

And entire good teams *cough* SuperSonics turned Oklahoma City Thunder *cough*.
It's tough to see a player you are a fan of move on to another team. You want them to keep doing well, but you hate that they are gone.
I take my family to see the Mariners play once each summer. It will be different this year without Ichiro, our family's favorite player. The end of an era. We wish him well.
and :thanx: for the video :thumbsup:
Seattle has a way of sending good players somewhere else.......

Heh. The Mariners are the new Expos? :D

We used to call the Expos "the farm team for the rest of MLB" because they would invest so much in bringing along and nurturing all this great talent, only to inevitably send them elsewhere just before their prime.
Heh. The Mariners are the new Expos? :D


I had forgotten that. I love the old Expos logo/hat.
Seattle does have some good fans though. I doubt anything like that would happen somewhere else.
Lol when I lived in K.C. the saying was that they were the farm team to the Yankees. It seemed that every good player went there. You would thank that they would at least send to a team out of the division.
I wish I had a chance to go see Ichiro while he was in the Mainers, when I still lived in Seattle... But I guess now I can see him over in NY.

Ms. Kawano LOVES Ichiro, so she's thrilled. If you look at her book you can find like 3-6 books on him, it's hilarious. I bet she hopes she'll run into him on the streets. LOLOL