Shaving with straight razor?? Newbie Help

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I've used two creams, recently. The Vulfix one impressed me with the lather, but I nicked myself a couple of times and it, of course was the cream, not the man wielding the razor. ;) The scent was ok, but nothing to write home about. The other cream underwhelmed in EVERY WAY!
I think the best lather and scent combo to date, for me is an amazing one I got with a wet brush, soaked Proraso and my mug. It went the full distance on a 4 pass shave!!!
I've been a soap guy exclusively except for using Proraso for my head shaving recently. My favorite soap by far is MWF and my 2nd favorite is DRH's Marlborough (hence the reason why I tried this scent as a cream). I guess what has me surprised is how much easier/faster it is to get a really slick lather compared to my soaps. Don't get me wrong, I can get the soaps to work great but it's a lot more work. Sure I shouldn't exclaim that creams are better from trying a measly two types but with all the soap experience I have something to base this on. I'm still fighting the urge to go shopping for more. :)
I've decided we're all addicts of one form or another. I'm managing to stay away from dropping too much cash on the soaps and brushes and....
I actually see my newest obsession blossoming and it's making me wonder if any dudes in Hawai'i are interested in a trade. :)
I could go nuts on brushes so I decided to play with re-knotting vintage ones and that has been great for me. It's a lot cheaper and satisfies my urges. :)
Until you don't pay attention and manage to not notice a wobble in your chuck! Stupid stupidity...frickin' dumb piece of....
You guys are great. Bad enough you've fed my knife addiction, now I've got two straights with no end to this obsession with sharp objects in sight. Got 4 or 5 shaves in so far, but this morning was my first without cutting myself. :happymug:
You guys are great. Bad enough you've fed my knife addiction, now I've got two straights with no end to this obsession with sharp objects in sight. Got 4 or 5 shaves in so far, but this morning was my first without cutting myself. :happymug:


I only have 3 brushes and don't seem to need anymore, but I do have 2 vintage boar brushes salvaged from my moms old gear... ya I raised an eyebrow when I found them as well... These may have been my fathers but my mom has no clue. One day I will re knot them for my "Family Set", 2 razors a coticule and 2 brushes.... Fine set for me :)

I have yet to try any of the commercial shave soaps, I got hooked early on with handmade soaps and creams and have enough to last me a few years, now if I can just quit buying them when I come across them...
I've been a soap guy exclusively except for using Proraso for my head shaving recently. My favorite soap by far is MWF and my 2nd favorite is DRH's Marlborough (hence the reason why I tried this scent as a cream). I guess what has me surprised is how much easier/faster it is to get a really slick lather compared to my soaps. Don't get me wrong, I can get the soaps to work great but it's a lot more work. Sure I shouldn't exclaim that creams are better from trying a measly two types but with all the soap experience I have something to base this on. I'm still fighting the urge to go shopping for more. :)

You straght razor your head???? You got big balls... Ummmm should I ask...Aggagg what the hell you take a straght razor to them?
That's so hot!
Was she good looking in a dangerous kind of way ?

Yes she was good looking.
That was why I got in her car with her.
Holding a razor next to my face she politely asked for my wallet.
Way better story then getting into her car and finding out it's a guy. If I'm ever mugged I hope it's by a hot femme fatale.
I recently started shaving my head.....I had thought to try a straight...but...I have had enough stitches in my head already lol. I am looking to pick up a few straights, have a deal in process with Butch right now, but this is a great read for me. And if i ever get mugged....male or female....I am stabbin someone :D
Got my second Wester Bros. Anchor Brand today. Really nice condition, better than I anticipated from the ebay photo.

Hello. I just found out about this thread from Mike.

I don't spend much time on the forums. There is just too much work to do. But, if anyone has questions about razors, or shaving, don't hesitate to PM me.

A great shaving reference is here: I do a few things differently than Chris. But, his article is a great place to start.

I am no longer affiliated with Classic Shaving. They were great to work with. It was just time to move on. I am now taking orders directly.

I hope this helps,

Tim Z.
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