Sink bridge improvement

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you.. you got any more of them rocks?
KKF Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2021
Reaction score
Bet you guys came here to see something revolutionary.


Joke’s on you! (Sorry). I bought a new drill and decided to put my budget holesaw through a life or death challenge. Blasted through a 2x4 while my old drill couldn’t get through a 3/4 inch board. Now water should drain into the sink instead of on my shirt/counter.

I’m amazed by how much better tools are a couple tiers up. I suppose people need to build houses and such.
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Nice hole. ;)

If you really want to keep the all the water in the sink, you need to cut a channel across the width, one in the front and one in the back, 1/4-1/2” deep. Do a few passes to make it 1/4-1/2” wide. Circular saw makes quick work.
Nice hole. ;)

If you really want to keep the all the water in the sink, you need to cut a channel across the width, one in the front and one in the back, 1/4-1/2” deep. Do a few passes to make it 1/4-1/2” wide. Circular saw makes quick work.
This is… game changing. Messy with a corded saw but crazy effective. Been dreaming up a nice fancy wood sealed one with some metal supports for warping. This mod will be essential.

Thanks for the tip!