I have found this topic to be really difficult to quantify. I have found that tests calibrated by me, like a hht or thumbnail test, etc…. is very subjective but are the most useful to me when assessing geometry and ht as they are connected and work together or against each other. Take catra for instance, it only tells you that the edge wear is better or worse but doesn’t address edge geometry and the steels ability to hold an edge with lateral force applied. There is always balance, especially with kitchen knives as well as the person using that particular knife.
For wedging, assuming that edge is well formed and the shoulder has been taken off, think secant ogive as the shape of the bevels to edge. We should experience very smooth and consistent cut initiation but the knife gets sticky or hard to drive through the cutting medium because there is too abrupt a change in the shape of the bevel. I have found that if I take the shape to a flatter sectional geometry that the cutting experience is way smoother throughout the cut DESPITE the extra width of a thicker grind. If I feel the knife to abruptly get stuck I know my shape is too convex in that area or the shape of it isn’t a smooth transition. Quantifying it though has been very difficult for me and the only way to really to get an understanding has required me to make a knife then constantly be changing the shape of the convex in order to achieve the feeling in the cut I want as well as some food release.
In short, I have no idea what a test would look like that everyone could understand regardless of their interest/professional background.