Senior Member
A Tojiro white two 165mm usuba came with a nice and flat ura. Only 2-3cm of the tip bent to the right. The hira is concave from handle to tip, shinogi is a round bevel.
Trying to bend the tip to ura level, the middle of the knife gave in. The Ura became concave. Ups. So far bending works to get out major bends. Two sraightening sticks might help to position the force. No idea wether that might be more precise than the three dovels method.
The only way I know to do precise straightenig, is hammering the concave jigane. Of course this only works in one direction. I would like somthing similar precise to adjust the other direction. So far I am bending the ura to a slight concave and start hammering. Reading the forums there is not much more about straigtening than bending.
Have a look:
You see learnig by doing. A proper hammer and anvil would leave less damage. But I am beyond looks. So far I get the knife reasonable straight. With a more precise technique "to convex" the ura i might get it dead flat.
@JBroida mentioned hammering and chisel hammers. Thank you Jon. Have I missed something in the straightening process?
Trying to bend the tip to ura level, the middle of the knife gave in. The Ura became concave. Ups. So far bending works to get out major bends. Two sraightening sticks might help to position the force. No idea wether that might be more precise than the three dovels method.
The only way I know to do precise straightenig, is hammering the concave jigane. Of course this only works in one direction. I would like somthing similar precise to adjust the other direction. So far I am bending the ura to a slight concave and start hammering. Reading the forums there is not much more about straigtening than bending.
Have a look:
You see learnig by doing. A proper hammer and anvil would leave less damage. But I am beyond looks. So far I get the knife reasonable straight. With a more precise technique "to convex" the ura i might get it dead flat.
@JBroida mentioned hammering and chisel hammers. Thank you Jon. Have I missed something in the straightening process?