What kind of knife is this?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2013
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I have a knife that I don't know what it's for. I'll describe it.

It's about 9" long. Starting from the handle, it curves in slightly, and then begins to curve out so the blade gets fatter as you travel up the blade. The fattest part of the blade is about 2" from the tip, and it curves back in to a pointed tip. It's got no markings on it except "Stainless Steel Taiwan".

I have no idea what it's for. It's not exactly the best knife. It's a bit loose in the handle and it's not full tang, it goes about 3/4 of the way through the handle.

It looks a little bit like this, but the curve is more pronounced, with the thickest part being wider:

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|                                \
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Some carving/slicer knives have similar shape to what you describe.
Jungle Machete ?

You should draw the knife out with, you know, a pen and paper instead of ASCII Art.
Jungle Machete ?


Actually it looks quite a bit like that.

Sorry I don't have access to a camera right now. If it helps I can post a photo tomorrow. But it really has the same curve shape as this photo. But it's definitely a kitchen knife.
I enharited an old carbon kitchen knife from my granny and it was about the same shape. I think it was from being sharpened on a bench grinder and ground too much at the heel part of the blade. Mine probably wasn't originally shaped like, I think. Could that also be the case with this knife?
could be a slicer modified from over sharpening
It's probably an accordion knife, which is designed to create accordion cuts that everybody loves.


Poorly sharpened butcher style knife is my guess as well.
Shall we place bets lol... I think scimitar

Photo please ! :)
Oh I should also add that I doubt this knife has ever been sharpened. I think it just existed in a shared house I lived in maybe 4 years ago (having probably belonged to a long departed former tenant), and somehow when the entire house had to move out, it ended up in my kitchen stuff, via the "we're just gonna give you all the stuff that nobody claimed because you like cooking" method. I ended up donating several pots and most of the low quality knives, but this one intrigued me, so I kept it. But it's just been sitting unused since then.
What's a pirate chef's favorite soup special?

beef bAAAAAARRRRRRRrrrrrrley

Seriously though, that is a weird knive. It looks like it was made based off of poorly written specs and an ANCII art drawing. I can't imagine it being even remotely useful in any application other than slicing or carving some kind of large chunch of cooked meat or perhaps during some part of the butchery process where no board contact is needed.
That knife reminds me of one I used to see cooks use to cut off donar meat for kabobs in the gyro/fish and chips shops while we lived in England. I don't know what it is but it's intriguing.
The knife isn't exactly sharp and it is loose in the handle, so obviously somebody used it for something at some point in the past.

It does look like it might be useful for shawarma / doner/ kebabs, but I've only noticed those being carved with flat knives.

If there seems to be no practical use for it, I will just put it in the box of more kitchen stuff I will eventually donate.
Looks like it would be a good knife for eating sugar cane with. You can chop with the tall head and peel with the back of the knife.
Massive belly for sawing slicing motions, short at the heel to make the knife lighter, hence easier to twist and turn? Lol