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#51 you may have a stroke at the end of your shift one night, go to the hospital and still show up and open for brunch the same morning and close that night.
#52 You have a heart attack on the line, have heart surgery and the day you are released you work a 19 hour day to let the guys who covered you while you were on your unpaid vacation have a day off.
#53 your pay will be docked for the days you were gone because, they weren't pre-approved and we don't pay you not to be at work
Ha I was actually working with a guy who had a heart attack while on line at lunch. He worked his whole shift then was looking to pale so he went to hospital on a Friday, was covered on a Sat and he was calling from the hospital worried about his knife kit. He resumed work on Tuesday like nothing happened.
an intern once told me 'i did my 8 hours, i'm going home'
reply was obviously 'don't bother coming back' clearly should have read this list prior to going to culinary school..
Son isn't exaggerating, those are his 51, 52 and 53. Tough mofo still working damn near 20 hrs a day too.
Son isn't exaggerating, those are his 51, 52 and 53. Tough mofo still working damn near 20 hrs a day too.

Cooks are hardcore... some are just more hardcore than others. Damn Son, I thought I worked a lot... but apparently I'm one of the 'not-so-hardcore' variety- compared to you, I work a nancy schedule, only 75 a week:laughat:

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