Guys, I just don’t understand how you can drill a tight fitting tang slot in a mono wa handle. Do you need the knife pretty thick at the neck? Right now, I want to drill and then broach, but I need a really big drill bit (bigger in diameter than the tang width) if I’m going to fit the broach into the hole. I try drilling lots of holes in a line, but the bit always travels, and I invariably end up with a couple deep holes, separated by some wood that I have an impossible time getting rid of. I tried using a brad point bit this time, but still the bit traveled. I was trying to do it with a hand drill… maybe if I did it on the press it would be better controlled, but idk… handles barely fit vertically on my press, and especially with a long bit it seems so easy for it to travel. With the instructions people post online it seems like people just drill a bunch of perfect holes in a line and voila there’s a slot, but that seems like impossible magic to me.